Policy decisions for the 2023 exam season have been confirmed
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on ACSL
On 29 September, the DfE, Ofqual and JCQ released joint confirmation of the policy decisions for exams this summer. These include:
- The grade profile for GCSEs and A levels in 2023 will return to the 2019 grade profile, as expected, with an additional safety net to ensure that overall grades are not lower than in 2019 (as one might expect them to be, if the performance standard is lower).
This means that, at a cohort-level, students have the same chance of getting an A*, A, C, etc. in 2023 as they would have had in 2019.
- VTQ exams will be graded in a similar way.
- For UCAS, teachers should use pre-pandemic standards as the basis for predicted grades.
- Formula sheets in GCSE maths, physics and combined science are due to be kept for 2023.
- The other adaptations, including advanced information, will not continue this year.
- The minimum criterion for special consideration for candidates who are absent at the time of the exam will continue to be one paper, rather than 25%.
Template letter for students and parents on exams
In response to requests for a template letter that can be used to explain these decisions to students and parents, an adaptable template together with an FAQs section can be found here. This letter is intended to go beyond the headlines that students and parents may have read and reassure them during a stressful time. It should be adapted to meet each school or college’s context.
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