A £400m stealth cut to spending on school buildings was hidden in the Budget, despite the DfE’s own recent warnings that some are in danger of collapse
Capital Departmental Expenditure Limits for education have reduced from £6.3bn in the November Autumn Statement 2022 to £5.9bn in the Budget.
This appears to come on top of a £500m underspend in the schools capital budget in 2021/22 and despite the recent warning by the DfE that ‘there is a risk of collapse of one or more blocks in some schools which are at or approaching the end of their designed life-expectancy” and the raising of the risk level from ‘critical-likely’ to ‘critical-very likely’, as long ago as July 2021.
Dr Patrick Roach, general secretary of the NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said: “Now is the time for greater investment in school buildings, not less, with the warnings that some school buildings are at risk of collapse.
“Schools are already reporting increased revenue pressures as they have less available to spend on repair and upkeep of buildings.
“Despite the chancellor stating that this is a “Budget for growth…which pays for the NHS and schools” the reality was precious little in his statement for education, with no extra funding for schools and colleges or for teachers’ pay.”
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