Crafting Next Level To-do Lists with the Alpen Technique

Welcome to the first installment of our time management series! In this article, we’re diving into the ALPEN method, a game-changing approach to organising your workday

Isn’t it funny how tasks we expect to be complex and time-consuming often turn out to be quicker than anticipated? Meanwhile, seemingly simple tasks can sometimes transform into an unexpected marathon of obstacles. Effective time management isn’t just about knowing what needs to be done—it’s also about accurately estimating how long tasks will take. This is where the ALPEN time management technique can make a significant difference!

Created by German economist Lothar J. Seiwert, the ALPEN method is a powerful technique designed to optimise your workday by structuring it for maximum efficiency. So, what does ALPEN stand for?

Activities: Step one is to outline your activities, creating a list of all your to-do tasks. While you might do this daily, it’s often where the planning stops for many of us, and we quickly dive into tackling the list without further thought!

Length of time: Step two involves estimating how long each task will take. By gauging the time required for each activity on your list, you can get a clearer picture of whether your planned workload for the day is manageable.

Plan a buffer: Step three might seem unconventional for an SBL, but this method advises planning only 60% of your work time and reserving the remaining 40% for unexpected emergencies or tasks that take longer than expected. So, resist the urge to schedule every minute of your day!

Establish priorities: Step four focuses on prioritising tasks and delegating where possible. Determine which tasks to tackle first and which can be handled later in the day. Using prioritisation techniques can help you refine this process.

Note your progress: The final step involves reflecting on the day to learn for the future. At the end of the day, evaluate how well your planning worked and whether you met your goals. Additionally, note any strategies that made tasks easier and share them with your team, as these insights could save time and improve efficiency going forward.

The biggest perk of the ALPEN method is that it’s right in line with what many of us already do—like creating daily task lists, but with an extra boost of efficiency. To up your time management game even more, why not try out different techniques with other SBLs in your network? Swapping tips and sharing what works best can uncover new strategies and make everyone’s workday a bit smoother – and help you conquer the clock!



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