NEWS: Ofsted Finds Curriculum Quality Improving

As reported by Gov UK, a new Ofsted report shows that schools have made significant curriculum improvements over six years, partly influenced by the Education Inspection Framework

Ofsted has published an evaluation assessing the impact of the current Education Inspection Framework (EIF) on curriculum quality in schools. The study, which compared curriculum standards in 64 schools in 2018 with a follow-up visit to 20 of those schools in 2024, found that curriculum quality had significantly improved over the six-year period. The report highlighted that while the improvements were largely driven by school leaders and staff, the EIF played a key role in influencing these positive changes.

Key findings from the evaluation include that the overall quality of the curriculum had improved in the revisited schools. Additionally, the structure of the EIF, particularly its focus on the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum, had influenced the way school leaders approached curriculum development. As a result, the curriculum was found to be more ambitious across all subjects and more purposefully sequenced and mapped.

Another notable outcome of the evaluation was the increased prioritisation of reading. While the initial study in 2018 had already identified a high standard of reading, school leaders had further emphasised its importance in their curriculum strategies under the EIF. Furthermore, subject leaders gained more ownership and responsibility for their subjects, enhancing the overall leadership of curriculum development.

Education professionals, parents, carers and learners are all encouraged to give their views on the consultation before it closes on 28 April 2025.

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