As reported by The BBC, two schools are considering being integrated with one another in order to cope with financial problems
A formal consultation running until the 2nd of October is being run by the North Northamptonshire Council in order to get the public’s view on the merging of Tennyson Road Infants and Alfred Street Juniors.
“For the amalgamation to progress, one of the schools has to ‘technically’ close – in this case by the formal closure of Tennyson Road Infant School,” says the council.
The leading group, constituted of governing bodies of both schools, requested the amalgamation in order to cope with financial challenges. The merging is expected to result in a more stable school that will be in a better position to provide the best services to the community.
“Supporting children in their education is very important to us and it’s important that as many people as possible have their say to make sure that everyone has had their view and all sides of the issue have been fully explored,” says Scott Edwards, conservative councillor and executive member for children, families, education and skills.
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