Planning budgets in a post-COVID world

Sue Birchall, long-standing school business leader

Budgets keep getting tighter and schools are constantly having to figure out innovative ways to save and spend their money. This can lead to the belief that long-term budget planning in schools is a pointless, hopeless endeavour – but that’s not the case. Developing a long-term plan is vital; it’s just a case of thinking outside the box and being determined to maintain a road map to success.


In this seminar Sue Birchall will explore:


  • How to budget strategically.
  • Why long-term planning is vital when it comes to your school’s finances.
  • How to manage the ongoing demands on the budget.
  • The art of collaboration.

Take home points:

  • How to prioritise expenditure.
  • How to make your budget meet the demands of your school.
  • How to stay sane whilst doing so.

This session is for:

School business leaders, finance managers and school leaders


This session runs at our Edexec LIVE South event

About the speaker:

Sue is a long-standing school business manager who has worked across all phases in both academy and maintained schools. She holds a degree in school business management from Manchester University and has had a career in schools spanning over 20 years. In her role as a writer and consultant, she has helped school leaders with many aspects of school management, as an SLE as well as an independent consultant.

What are you waiting for?

EdExec Live offers delegates the opportunity to select specific seminar topics relevant to them, ensuring your day is filled with information and learning that will be directly relevant to you and your school’s current requirements.


It’s always difficult to take a day out of the office, but the question is: can you afford to miss out on this event?

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What they say​

Fab as always - very informative - great to meet new people in the same boat. Gave me the information and renewed incentive to make a difference in my organisation by using/improving my skills.
Edwina Hurst
Thurstonland Endowed (VC) First School