From drizzle to dazzle: Revamping school outdoor spaces

Vector cartoon style illustration. School building with kids play area infront

The weather might be grey and drizzly right now, but there is sunshine on the horizon – making this the opportune moment to assess your school’s outdoor areas to ensure students and staff can fully enjoy the benefits when brighter skies emerge

When you’re looking to revamp an outdoor space for your school, the list of challenges such a task entails may seem difficult to get around. There’s time, cost and safety to consider – and let’s face it, not all of us are great with a screwdriver. But the good news is, you don’t have to be. Here are some straightforward, efficient, and budget-friendly methods to breathe new life into your outdoor areas, minus the need for extensive DIY expertise.

A splash of colour

 Instead of opting for replacements, consider rejuvenating existing equipment with vibrant colours. Wooden plant pots and benches, for instance, can undergo a transformation with lively markings and designs. The aim isn’t to completely overhaul the space; rather, it’s about injecting new energy into what you already have. Engage students by organising contests that inspire their creativity, inviting them to propose themes, colours and designs. From polka dots to smiley faces to rainbows, the possibilities are endless when you’re the one holding the brush!

Perfect plants

Consider introducing green areas to your outdoor spaces, with pocket-sized gardens that require minimal maintenance. The key to keeping gardens budget friendly is to utilise existing equipment and avoid groundwork and landscaping that will require costly outside contractors. Container gardening is ideal for paved areas. For an engaging experience, you could consider introducing a bug hotel to encourage biodiversity.

Stimulate the senses

 Being outdoors isn’t just about what your students will see – it is about what they will feel, hear and experience. Approach your outdoor space with a multi-sensory perspective, introducing features that stimulate interest and interaction. Encourage students to participate in crafting homemade wind chimes, rain chains, or windmills and spinners. Not only do these additions enhance the ambiance, but they also facilitate learning about weather phenomena. Another budget-conscious suggestion is to establish a herb garden. An old shelf or cupboard can be repurposed to create a quirky planting station that will fill the air with delicious scents and offer a unique sensory experience.

Call in the cavalry

 The great thing about being a part of the local community is that you can always call in the cavalry when you need a bit of extra help. Why not use your social media platforms or school newsletters to outline your plans and solicit ideas or assistance. You may discover unexpected expertise within your community. Keep in mind, this isn’t merely a task to check off your list; it’s an exciting opportunity to document your endeavours and generate unique stories to share. Additionally, consider reaching out to local businesses that might be willing to contribute by donating old equipment or tools.

 In conclusion, revitalising your school’s outdoor spaces doesn’t have to be daunting. By embracing creativity, community engagement and budget-friendly strategies, you can transform these areas into vibrant, sensory-rich environments that enhance student experiences and foster a sense of belonging within the school community. So, roll up your sleeves, unleash your imagination, and get ready to dig deep.

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