Go on now glow: Reigniting your SBL flame

Smiling woman open curtains step into happy future.

Feeling like you’re constantly working tirelessly, yet never seem to have achieved anything? Chances are, you’ve achieved a lot – you’ve just can’t see the wood for the trees anymore. In this article, we urge you to take a step back, reassess your accomplishments, and, more importantly, understand why they matter

SBL life never stops, even when the lights are off and the gates are closed. Chances are you’re probably constantly thinking about things – is that report finished? Where are you going to find the budget for this? Round and round the thoughts cycle until you’re left feeling disoriented, unsure of your next steps. Suddenly, you find yourself drained and disheartened, questioning why you embarked on this journey in the first place.

You’re in need of a reconnection—a reminder of why you chose to become an SBL. After all, it probably wasn’t solely for the thrill of endless spreadsheets! The good news is, even when you feel powerless, you still hold the power to reignite your passion and purpose.

Reigniting the flame

Imagine yourself as a candle that once radiated brightness, but lately has flickered low. So, what does a candle need to burn brighter? Oxygen, undoubtedly! It’s essential to identify your SBL oxygen—the source of renewal and inspiration.

It could be reconnecting with the students. Allocate some time to immerse yourself in their world. Instead of lingering backstage at the next school play, take a front-row seat and witness their pride in a performance made possible by your diligent management. As you stroll down the corridor, don’t merely pass by the artwork on display. Take a moment to jot down encouraging messages or draw a smiley face on a sticky note, then place it where students can see. It’s a small gesture that prompts you to pause and truly appreciate the impact of your contributions to the school community.

Get involved

Do you find yourself endlessly searching online for the latest products or information about what your school might want and need? Here’s a thought: you’re surrounded by a school community eager to engage with you. If you’re wondering what your students would like to see in the library, why not ask them directly? Utilise social media platforms to reach out and spark conversations. It’s easy to feel like others don’t share your interests, but that’s rarely the case. Witnessing the enthusiasm of others for something can reignite your own passions in unexpected ways.

Root out the stories

Create chances to uncover what’s truly making a difference in the school, among the staff, and within the community. During the next parent’s evening, seize the opportunity to engage with people directly. School trip coming up? Why not go along and see firsthand how the students engage and connect with activities you made happen. Inquire about their proudest moments and achievements. It’s essential to remember that none of these accomplishments would be possible without your contributions. As a bonus, you might stumble upon some fascinating stories to feature in your newsletters and share on social media.

As a school business leader, the impact you make is sometimes invisible because it extends beyond the school gates. It’s the sense of accomplishment shining on a student’s face when they succeed. It’s the excitement a pupil feels when exploring a new hobby or skill introduced through extracurricular activities you facilitated. So, let your candle burn bright again and see how far your SBL light shines. Go on now, glow!

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