Since the arrival of COVID-19, we’ve all been meticulously focused on hygiene and cleaning standards to safeguard the health and wellbeing of students, teachers and employees and mitigate the spread of viruses, bacteria, germs and infectious diseases.
Whilst hand washing and surface sanitisation are proficient at stopping the spread of some bacteria, viruses and germs present on hands and surfaces, most people catch flu and the common cold through airborne droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, and even just talking. So that’s why cleaning indoor air should be included in your hygiene regime.
The most effective way to clean the indoor air everyone shares in a classroom, is to introduce HEPA air purifiers.

The AeraMax Professional HEPA air purifier utilises a unique four-stage filtering system to remove 99.97% of airborne contaminants as small as 0.3 microns, including: viruses, germs, odours, allergens and other pollutants.

Monmouth Schools invest in AeraMaxÒ Professional air purifiers to clean the air
Education is of prime importance to The Haberdashers’ Company. The 15 schools that it supports in the maintained and independent sectors are of the highest national standard academically and prepare pupils for a full life.
The Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools have just invested in 168 air purifiers to help protect pupils and staff from airborne viruses and germs to help minimise the risk posed during the coronavirus pandemic.
Fellowes’ AeraMax Professional air purifiers are currently being installed in classrooms, common rooms, science laboratories and offices across the family of schools’ sites in the historic Welsh market town of Monmouth.
Commenting on the introduction of the air purifiers, foundation bursar Tessa Norgrove said: “The health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff is our primary concern. Delivering a first-class education may be our focus, but we are equally committed to ensuring the school environment is the cleanest, safest and healthiest it can be.
“We chose AeraMax Professional air purifiers with HEPA filtration because they are proven to remove over 99 per cent of airborne contaminants, such as germs and viruses, including influenza. But we also needed to find a quiet solution so as not to be a distraction during lesson time.
“We have adhered to strict hygiene measures such as rigorous hand sanitisation and surface cleaning since fully reopening post lockdown. Cleaning and filtering the air we breathe within our year group bubbles now takes virus removal onto another level. We’re proud to be leading the way in protecting pupils and staff, providing additional reassurance to parents and the local community that we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk of transmission. There has been a hidden benefit too, the air is noticeably fresher with one member of staff commenting that it feels like mountain air.”

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