Inclusive workplaces: Supporting non-binary employees

non binary pronouns

Navigating the workplace as a non-binary individual can be challenging due to widespread misunderstanding and prejudice. Creating inclusive environments where preferred pronouns are respected is essential for fostering acceptance and support

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Forbes

Despite support from friends, not everyone responds well to non-binary pronouns. Instances of prejudice include dismissive comments from acquaintances and employers only recognising non-binary pronouns during Pride Month.

Feeling erased and silenced due to non-binary identity is a common experience. Initially, many respond strongly to such prejudice but, over time, may choose not to defend their queerness to everyone. Explaining the importance of non-binary identities and pronouns calmly to loved ones and friends, and providing educational resources, can help mitigate ignorance.

Challenges in the workplace

Being non-binary in the workplace can be exhausting. Deciding whether to include pronouns in Zoom calls or email signatures, or speaking up when non-binary people are dismissed, are constant considerations. Some people aren’t prejudiced but simply don’t understand non-binary identities. They may be afraid to ask or unsure how to. Doing some research and being a better ally by using preferred pronouns is crucial.

The Importance of pronouns

Using preferred pronouns is a basic form of respect and can be lifesaving. Many non-binary and trans people have hidden their identities and pronouns, and being able to live openly can prevent despair and suicidal thoughts. Many non-binary individuals have questioned whether life was worth living due to hiding their identities.

Combating queerphobia

Queerphobia, based on fear, misunderstanding, and some religious beliefs, leads to abuse from family, classmates, and colleagues. Using preferred pronouns is a simple yet powerful way to support non-binary people. If you fear making mistakes, use reminders like sticky notes or phone alerts until you get them right. Respecting pronouns can make a significant impact.

Creating inclusive workplaces

Employers should discourage queerphobia in the workplace. Non-binary employees should feel safe to express their pronouns without fear. Misgendering in professional settings is unacceptable and speaking up against it does not make you any less of a team player. Historically, corporate environments have been dominated by white, male, heterosexual norms, but this needs to change for non-binary individuals to feel safe.

Employers can support non-binary employees by adopting inclusive hiring practices, providing gender-neutral restrooms, and encouraging the use of pronouns in email signatures and Zoom meetings. Recognising and supporting queer identities year-round is essential for challenging queerphobia in the workplace. By acknowledging and respecting these identities, companies can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

Creating an inclusive workplace that respects non-binary identities and pronouns is not just a matter of politeness but of fundamental respect and support. By fostering understanding and actively challenging queerphobia, employers and colleagues can make a significant positive impact on the well-being and productivity of non-binary individuals.


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