There’s a good chance your back-office systems aren’t providing the visibility you need to do your job as thoroughly and as efficiently as you’d like, meaning you’re losing valuable time and are unable to maintain a clear view of your team and what they’re doing. Schools should have the ability to run like a well-oiled machine – does yours?
We’re keen to find out and have therefore teamed up with IRIS to create an in-depth sector survey which will allow you to have your voice heard about your school’s management information system, and how it can be improved.
We’re always being told that technology is the saviour for all our ills, but that’s only if the right technology is in place. A good management information system (MIS) should help school leaders to organise information, visualise plans and ideas, analyse data and make decisions more effectively – all of which are things that schools are constantly under pressure to do more and more quickly.
EdExec has teamed up with IRIS, a leader in the edtech sphere, to find out the precise pain points you and your school have identified, examined and need to fix. We want to hear all about your experiences with management information systems, what you’ve learned from technology that hasn’t suited your needs, and what the ideal system would offer you.
Share your insight – Take the survey
Your management information system: is it future-fit?
The broad question is, is your MIS fit-for-purpose? Is it helping you save time and lessening the workload and pressures upon you? What are the specific difficulties you face when trying to make your school’s back-office processes more efficient? Picking the right service to suit your school can be a minefield of trial and error.
And what does future-fit, or future-proof, even mean? They’ve very much become buzz terms, and we’ve got used to a lot of technology being designed to not last very long. Future-proofing is about anticipating future needs as best we can and minimising the potential negative effects of them; one of the most obvious future negative effects in the technology sphere is that technology no longer serving its purpose, which can happen surprisingly quickly. So, when we talk about future-proofing your MIS, we mean investing in a system that will serve you long into the future and be intuitive enough to continually adapt as required.
School business managers are the ones who often have to spearhead these technological upgrades, and they always have to be thinking ahead: what will future-proof my school? What do I want and need to achieve with my MIS? The fact is that the right MIS can create huge, positive change in your school, giving you a centralised view of all operations – something a school business manager sorely needs.
Improved productivity for all
Not only can the right system enable a whole-school view for SBMs, head teachers and other school leaders, it allows them to be responsive and proactive, giving them the opportunity to better develop their insight and recognise the areas where things are being done right.
On the other side of that, it can highlight issues and areas that can be improved, while allowing your staff to get on with their day and perform their tasks more quickly and easily than ever before. In turn, this has a positive impact on pupils and helps to improve their development long-term.
The next generation of MIS
So, what do you want to see from a future-fit MIS? The research we’re gathering with our survey will give us and our partners IRIS a broad and detailed view of what UK’s schools need and want, not just today, but in years to come.
What stands between you and improved efficiency in your school? Join in the conversation, take our survey, and make your voice heard today.
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