It’s time to take a summer break

Beach and Summer icon collection

The summer holidays have arrived once again! Is it just us, or does this year seem to be whizzing by? We hope it has been a productive one for all our readers and contributors and that all of you are feeling 10% braver now than you were at the start of the year

It’s time for you all to take a well-deserved break (no matter how long or short!) and we hope it provides you with the opportunity to relax and recharge. Here at Edexec headquarters, we will also be taking a short break, winding down our website and news email service until the new academic term begins.

During the holidays, the EdExec team will still be hard at work, researching and refreshing our magazine and website editorial strategy. We are planning the best content to ensure we come back with a bang in the new school year, ready with news, features, and interviews guaranteed to kick off the new term on the right foot and get you feeling energised!

We will be here all summer and we are always happy to hear from you, so if you want to get in touch, drop us an email!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter like us on Facebook or connect with us on LinkedIn!

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