Mastering School Staff Absence Management

Poor attendance at work

In the realm of effective staff attendance management, success is built on a solid foundation laid down by the school’s leadership. While genuine absence is inevitable, a robust approach from management can yield immediate results in curbing short-term and prolonged sickness absence

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Staff Absence Management

Documentation and communication

It’s crucial for a key member of the leadership team to frequently communicate the process to employees, with a signed copy of the policy being issued to each staff member. Establish clear protocols for absenteeism, including whom staff should contact and the timeframe for notification. Ideally, senior management should handle such communications. Maintain open lines of communication, emphasising the need for staff to stay in touch during periods of absence. Provide regular attendance reports to governors to showcase proactive management efforts.

Notification and recording

Promptly record all instances of sickness absence upon notification, documenting reasons and estimated return dates. Agree on communication methods and follow-up schedules with absent employees to ensure clarity and consistency. Input absence data accurately into the school’s recording system, specifying the nature of the absence and relevant details. Remind employees about the submission of GP fit notes, if required, through gentle reminders.

Short and long term absence management

Schedule return-to-work meetings with all employees, irrespective of the duration of their absence, using agreed-upon proformas to document discussions. Monitor absence data daily, identifying any employees meeting trigger points outlined in the attendance policy. Regularly review employees on monitoring periods, scheduling follow-up meetings promptly upon meeting targets.

Leave of absence

Implement a formal leave of absence policy aligned with service conditions for both teaching and administrative staff. Require staff to complete leave of absence forms for all types of absence, excluding sickness, and record these requests systematically for tracking purposes.

In the pursuit of efficient staff absence management, a proactive approach coupled with clear communication channels ensures smoother operations and better outcomes for all stakeholders involved. By implementing these strategies, schools can foster a more supportive and accountable work environment, ultimately enhancing the educational experience for both staff and students.



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