Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary commented on the talks between unions and Gillian Keegan, secretary of state for education, on teachers’ pay
He said: “There is no doubt that the conclusion of industrial action ballots of teachers over pay this week is what has brought the minister to the table with us today.
“Today’s talks about talks centred around the scope for future discussions on issues of concern to our members on pay, including the current pay award for 2022/23 and the award for 2023/24.
“We welcome commitments made by the minister to continue dialogue with us following months of refusal by her predecessors.
“Given the pressing issues, the minister must now intensify and accelerate a programme of further talks.
“We have been clear we will meet any time and any place to discuss these issues and that we will commit the time necessary to make progress.
“However, we will remain in dispute with the government unless tangible progress is forthcoming.”
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