NEWS: Ban Sugary Snacks in School Lunches

Sugar on a red background with a banned sign

As reported by The Guardian, campaigners urge ministers to overhaul school food standards, citing excessive sugar in desserts and biscuits served at lunchtime

Schools in England should be banned from giving pupils cakes or biscuits as part of their lunch because they contain so much sugar, food campaigners say.
They want ministers to overhaul the rules that guide schools on the nutritional content of the meals they serve to outlaw such sugary snacks.
The call has come from Action on Sugar, a group of nutritionists and other health experts at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), who campaign on the health dangers of too much sugar.

At the moment schools are allowed under the school food standards to give pupils desserts, cakes and biscuits as part of the lunch they receive on the premises. They include sweet treats that are either bought in or made from scratch, such as cakes, buns, pastries and scones.

Action on Sugar made its plea after an analysis it undertook of the sugar content of dozens of cakes, chocolates and biscuits that have as much as 12 teaspoons in them. For example, Ritter Sport marzipan has 51g per packet while the same firm’s whole hazelnuts and white whole hazelnuts contain 44g, the equivalent of 11 teaspoonfuls.

A government spokesperson said: “We encourage all schools to promote healthy eating and provide nutritious food and drink, and recently launched new training for school governors to increase their understanding of School Food Standards and make sure children have access to nutritious food throughout the school day.”

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