Education Executive and SIMS seek your expertise to uncover challenges and shape solutions for data-driven decisions in schools
In today’s education sector, data is at the heart of decision-making. From tracking academic performance to managing budgets and streamlining operations, schools generate a wealth of information daily. However, the true power of data lies not just in its collection but in how it is integrated, interpreted and applied to drive meaningful change.
To better understand the challenges school leaders face in harnessing this potential, Education Executive is teaming up with SIMS. Together, we are launching an initiative to delve into the critical issues, obstacles and opportunities surrounding the effective use of data.
This is where you, the school business leaders, come in.
We invite you to share your insights and experiences by participating in our SBL survey. Your input will help us:
• Identify the biggest hurdles schools face in managing and utilising data
• Understand the emerging challenges and opportunities in data-driven decision-making
• Develop actionable strategies and solutions tailored to the real-world needs of schools
Why Your Voice Matters
School business leaders are at the forefront of managing resources and making decisions that impact students, staff and the wider school community. Your expertise and perspective are invaluable in shaping a data landscape that works for schools, not against them.
By contributing to this survey, you will help influence the future of data use in schools, ensuring that decisions are informed, efficient and impactful.
How to Get Involved
In the coming months, we will analyse your feedback and use it, alongside input from sector experts, to build our Insight Unlocked: Understanding the Barriers to Better-Informed Decisions Through Data White Paper Research in partnership with SIMS.
Don’t miss this chance to make your voice heard and shape the future of data in education. Join us in driving change and ensuring that every school can unlock the full potential of its data.
Click here to take part in the survey and share your thoughts on this crucial topic.
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