Our November digital magazine has landed!

The November edition of Education Executive’s digital magazine is now live and ready to read!

We are very happy here at EdExec HQ as after what felt like a lifetime, we finally got to hold our EdExec LIVE events. Despite the various challenges of trying to organise an event in a pandemic, we managed to bring our live event to both London and Manchester within the space of two weeks! Usually, we leave around four months between the events, but we were so determined for both to happen as soon as they possibly could we went full steam ahead and held one at the end of September and one at the start of October. Both days were a great success and it was wonderful to welcome all of you lovely SBLs back again, and (after a much-needed breather) we can’t wait to welcome you back again in the new year – keep an eye out for the dates!

Talking of the event, in case you missed it or if you went and want to relive the day, in this issue we have our review which gives a taster of the day and the seminars which took place across both the South and North event. In the rest of the issue, Sue Birchall, who was actually one of the speaker’s at the South event, discusses how to support staff who are experiencing mental health problems. We speak to Keith Rondeau, headteacher at St Marks primary school, about being one of just four schools nationally to be mentioned in the Education Endowment Foundation report. We also drill into the numbers and analyse the statistics for admission appeals in England and take a look at the changes being made to the payment process of schools business rates. Jonny Coates discusses the importance of good estate management and Stephen Peach explains how to deal with the feeling of being overwhelmed – a feeling I know SBLs know all too well.

As always, we’d love to hear any suggestions you have for the magazine. If you’d like to get involved with EdExec, or if you’d like us to cover a certain topic, please do let us know. Contact eleanor@intelligentmedia.co.uk or tweet @edexec with ideas, opinions or success stories.

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