The summer edition of Education Executive is now live and ready to read!
You’ve made it! It’s nearly the end of the school year, and what a year it has been. The last year has certainly tested (literally!) many people’s resolve, but you have all shown what resilient and adaptable superheroes you truly are. There will be countless people in your schools, academies and trusts who are incredibly thankful and appreciative of all the hard work and extra hours you have put in to make sure things ran as smoothly as possible during an extremely bumpy time. So, let out a sigh of relief and give yourself a massive pat on the back. I know SBMs aren’t the best at acknowledging their own greatness but, after the last year, I think it’s time to park the humbleness and embrace your brilliance – even if just for a few minutes!
With your experience over the last year in mind, in this issue we ask you how your role has changed during the pandemic. As well as looking back, we also look forward, and ask about your hopes for the next educational year. We review the statistics and look at how much money is really needed for pupil catch-up and analyse how COVID infection rates in schools have fluctuated over the last year. We then dive deeper into the SBM world with an interview with Emma Sands about her SBM journey, and Ro Smith let’s us in on the lessons she has learnt after two decades of being in the job.
Planning is now well-underway for EdExec LIVE 2021 – we can’t wait to see you all in person later this year! As one of the first face-to-face SBM events to come back after a year of cancelled or online events, we promise to make it a CPD day to remember. In this issue you’ll find all the information you need to know about our London and Manchester events, along with details of how you can book your tickets.
The WORKING SBM tells us an SBM fairy-tale, and we magically reveal the results of our survey, in collaboration with IRIS, on management information systems. Our ICT MATTERS section features an interview with a BETT award-winning trust, advice on how you can use online surveys, and an analysis of developments in the edtech world. We finish with the light relief of the LIVE IT section which includes a 60 seconds discussing omelette competitions!
As always, we’d love to hear any suggestions you have for the magazine. If you’d like to get involved with EdExec, or if you’d like us to cover a certain topic, please do let us know. Contact eleanor@intelligentmedia.co.uk or tweet @edexec with ideas, opinions or success stories.
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