Read again: How to embrace networking

everal couples of people of different nationalities in business clothes shaking hands

Russell Dalton explains why networking is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your self-confidence, knowledge and aid you in your daily role.  It facilitates connections, knowledge sharing, and access to opportunities that may otherwise be inaccessible

By actively engaging in networking activities you can build a strong support system, gain valuable insights, and establish meaningful relationships.  However, networking should be approached with authenticity, clear goals, and a long-term perspective.

The importance of the saying “no man is an Island” has been proved to be the reason why many of us need to make a collective effort in the bid to achieve greater knowledge for the benefit of our role and school.  For many individuals who have developed significantly, the causes have largely been contributed to the strong networking channels they have created over time.

The following ideas will aid you in your networking journey:

Growth in self-confidence

Networking is the key tool to growth in resourcefulness.  Training gained from networking builds self-confidence and promotes self-esteem. The self-confidence that has been built over time can help put you on a positive spot whenever you interact with like minds.

An avenue to exchange ideas

You never can tell how much you know without listening to other people.  Success in your role is largely attributed to the pool of information or ideas you have gained over time.  When you network it fosters a trade of ideas to sustain long-term relationships and mutual trust. When you are receiving ideas, it helps both in your role.

An extra resource library

Networking can be an extra resource library for you.  This provides you with updated information relevant to you in your role.  This network resource also grants you access to tap into them whenever the need arises.

Growth in status

Developing your status within your schools will be the enabler to make you more effective.  The contacts you keep will aid you in this growth.  Your connections are powerful!

It makes you noticeable

Individuals who seek publicity leverage more on networking.  People quickly notice others who have stronger capabilities to make them relevant.

Avenues for new opportunities

When people start noticing you, it opens the door for new opportunities.  Opportunities like meeting the right people could be a stepping stone that could change your life for the better.

Reassessing your qualification

Networking is one thing.  But to be able to utilise it is another. You may think that your current level of knowledge is the greatest height you could achieve.  But the continual professional development (CPD) you will gain from networking will reinforce any qualification and maybe more valuable.

Improves your creative intellect

Even a simple interaction with one person can transform your workload and result in a breakthrough.  Likeminded people who have been able to share ideas have strongly developed their intellect to unleash the creative talent in them.

Support from high profile individuals

Good networking with high profile individuals can serve as support whenever there is any eventuality at any time. These high profile individuals can help you manage your challenges effectively by either giving you advice or signposting to the best information for you.

Develop long-lasting relationships

Networking might not be an easy and fast approach to building a long-lasting relationship.  But making it a two-way process of giving and taking can open the door for a firmer relationship.

10 Networking Tips

  1. Define your networking objectives and identify the specific outcomes you want to achieve.
  2. Have a compelling introduction when going to speak to someone. This will allow you to engage much easier. (Take a deep breath and plunge in!)
  3. Actively listen to others, show genuine interest, and ask meaningful questions. Listening builds rapport and demonstrates your commitment to building relationships.
  4. Try to follow up with individuals you meet, sending a personalised message to maintain the connection.
  5. Participate in events and conferences (and further afield) to meet colleagues who share your passion and can offer valuable insights.
  6. Become a member of networking groups and associations to connect with like-minded individuals.
  7. Look for ways to assist others and offer support without expecting immediate returns. A mutually beneficial relationship is built on trust and reciprocity.
  8. Utilise social media platforms like LinkedIn to expand your network, engage in discussions.
  9. Always maintain professionalism and reliability in your networking interactions.
  10. Share your knowledge and experiences with aspiring colleagues. Giving back not only helps others but also enhances your credibility and self-confidence.
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