Reminder Why You Shouldn’t Settle

Business time concept, Bearded businessman standing and looking at hourglass while time flies. Patience, delay and tolerance

Feeling frustrated that things aren’t working out as you want them too? In this article, Education Executive’s Laura Williams reminds us of the importance of patience

Just before Christmas, we hung a clock in our kitchen and a mirror in our downstairs toilet. Not super exciting stuff, this is true, but given the fact it’s taken us 12 months to actually do this, it does feel like something of an achievement.

To be clear, we’ve not been lazy and just not hung said items – rather we’ve been super picky about what it is that we want in terms of colour, size and ‘vibe compatibility’ to the rest of the rooms! Sometimes, the last pieces of the puzzle are the hardest to find.

For 12 months we had two annoying blank walls as we couldn’t find the ‘right size’ clock or the ‘right shaped’ mirror but somehow, rather miraculously, we found the two perfect items on a Christmas shopping trip.

We could have got something basic to put up and fill the space in the meantime, but I’m a big believer in doing without until the right thing comes along – rather than making do or trying to make something work that I just don’t like, or my heart isn’t in.

The same can be said for a lot of things that we have to deal with as SBLs.

Sometimes, that final piece of the jigsaw, that one thing that you need to complete the perfect picture or that one door that you need to open… it’s just not there or it’s not quite ready yet.

It might be frustrating, and we might feel impatient but we have to keep looking, we have to wait, we have to know that the right thing will come along – that right job or that perfect opportunity – it will all come together as it’s meant to.

Don’t settle. Don’t compromise. Trust that it’s coming – because it will!

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