Revealing insights from annual School Business Leader Wellbeing Index 2024

Revealing insights from annual School Business Leader Wellbeing Index 2024

After our ground-breaking research last year, and in line with our continued dedication to the education sector, Education Mutual is proud to unveil the release of the annual School Business Leader Wellbeing Index 2024

School business leaders (SBLs)are the unsung heroes who keep things running smoothly in our schools. They’re not just managing day-to-day tasks; they’re also driving the success and growth of the educational institutions they work in. Our latest research, the second edition of this annual project, digs deeper into their mental health and wellbeing, giving us direct insights from those incredible individuals.

We use the term “SBL” to cover all the different roles involved in keeping the school running smoothly. Whether you’re a school business leader, an HR professional, or part of the administration team, your contributions, are crucial in keeping state-funded primary, secondary, and special schools in England and Wales, providing the best possible service.

What did we discover?

Our research indicates that 88% of schools currently provide mental health and well-being services for their staff members, a slight decrease from the 94% reported in 2023. While the quantity of services offered remains steady, there is a noticeable decline in the uptake of services across all support categories, most notably with the decrease in staff engagement with well-being sessions, falling from 8% in 2023 to 4% in 2024.

Workload remains the number one challenge impacting SBL’s mental health, with a significant rise from 48% in 2023. The sheer range of tasks involved in running the day-to-day operations makes the role massively demanding, causing feelings of stress, frustration and a sense of isolation, as their job extends into non-working hours, affecting their personal and social life.

Funding issues have also seen a sharp increase on last year, becoming the second most pressing challenge SBL’s face. Our research shows that SBL’s feel demoralised by the negative impacts of funding challenges, particularly when having to communicate cuts to working hours or where there has been a reduction to provision for pupils.

What can you do?

As you play a crucial role in the school’s functioning and success, we recommend sharing this report with your headteacher. Take note of the relevant findings from the report to start making the necessary changes within your school to prioritise mental health and well-being.

Read the full 2024 report:

School Business Leader Wellbeing Index 2024 – Staff Absence Protection (

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