Schools need to save money where they can – here are four ways to make sure your school is making those important savings
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Hope Education
We all know how important it is that schools save money where they can in these difficult times but this is not always the easiest task. Here are some ways to save yourself a little money.
If you need to purchase things for your classrooms it’s often (though not always – read the small print) more cost-effective to bulk-buy so that you have plenty in stock. Even the little items that aren’t needed as often can be bought in bulk at a better price. You can take this kind of saving to the next level by joining forces with neighbouring schools to take your purchasing power to new heights.
Get digital
Cutting down on paper and replacing it with a digital resource is a great way to save your school money, as a major cost area is printing. Schools can replace printed resources with online tasks and messages for parents or staff work well as digital emails, WhatsApp messages or an information bulletin in the school portal.
Be more sustainable
In the long run, the key to saving schools money is sustainability. Getting into the habit of simple routines can help your school make a big saving. Switch off appliances after using them and turn off lights – better still, fit sensors so they switch themselves off. Wherever possible, use recycling as materials for your art and craft lessons and get into the habit of seeing what can be upcycled rather than disposed of.
Ask for donations
Don’t be shy about asking for financial help, especially from local businesses which might be happy to sponsor specific projects in return for a ‘thank you on your school website.
Many schools are wary of asking parents to help just now, with the cost of living crisis taking its toll, but that doesn’t mean you can’t let parents and the community know about the things you need. Write a list of supplies needed on a board in the foyer, and on your website and social media channels and ask if anyone can help. You might be very surprised at how many things on your list might be donated quite quickly.
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