The new issue of Education Executive is here!
The November/December edition of Education Executive is here! Take a break, relax with a warm drink and enjoy some practical keep reading
The November/December edition of Education Executive is here! Take a break, relax with a warm drink and enjoy some practical keep reading
At Education Executive, we’re all about empowering and inspiring the SBL community. In our latest issue, we’re amplifying your voice keep reading
From biodiversity in schools to battling imposter syndrome, the latest issue of Education Executive is jam-packed with insights, advice and keep reading
Imposter syndrome is a common problem in the modern workplace, particularly for women CREDIT: This is an edited version of keep reading
Andrew Blench, SBM consultant, School Business Partner Limited, discusses how you can avoid feeling like an imposter Can I paint keep reading
Do you feel like you’re constantly waiting to be found out? That you’re a fraud, and shouldn’t be in the keep reading
Imposter syndrome is a real thing, here is how you can overcome your self-doubt and start to believe in yourself keep reading
Are you introverted in team meetings? Too scared to go for that promotion? Perhaps you feel like the weak link keep reading
Our inner voice is incredibly important, but sometimes it can be a little cruel. By understanding its concerns, and welcoming keep reading
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