Creativity is a spectrum; some people have more of it than others. It’s also, however, a skill to be worked on and improved. Let’s discuss three ways you can get your creative juices flowing and how this can help you at work
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Management Today
Creativity is a positive, and potentially very powerful, trait which, when implemented correctly in your business, can bring a lot of success. Many people see creativity as the skill of being able to draw, or write songs, but it’s more than that and can be used on a daily basis. The trick is to take your brain off autopilot.
As with hard work, creative thinking requires discipline and isn’t easy. The book, The Creative Nudge, explains nine behaviors you can learn to improve creativity and, as a result, your business as a whole. Here are three ‘nudges’ to get started and enhance your creativity.
Eat an apple
Simply taking a bite from an apple (or any fruit of your choice), with your non-dominant hand can start you on your creative journey. Such a small change opens your brain to new ways of thinking and breaks the patterns which have been developing for years. Eating applies isn’t a bad habit – in fact, one a day is recommended by doctors – but the way you do it could help you break out of any previous ruts and be the starting point to introducing new creativity into your life.
Other ideas include opening doors with your non-dominant hand or stirring your morning cup of coffee in the opposite direction. These small habits improve self-control and subconsciously allow you to embrace new ideas.
Finding order in chaos
Surprisingly, for a lot of people, our creativity improves in ‘messy’ environments. Have a place for yourself where you have space to think and be creative. This could be an office or simply a corner or table – anywhere where you can do with it what you like. While the rest of your house or room may be organised, this is somewhere different, a refuge for your creative spark. There are no rules, put whatever you want, wherever you want, in your designated place. You’ll soon feel the freedom and creativity.
Peace and quiet
Now, more than ever, people are working from home. While many love the comfort of working in their pyjamas and not having to commute to the office, others might find it difficult to concentrate and not be disturbed – but this is key. Go to the quietest spot in your house or, if this isn’t possible, maybe an empty room or even a library. Put your ‘phone on silent or, even better, in a different room and ‘switch off’. The times when you daydream are when most creative ideas are born. You’ll no doubt benefit from a moment of well-earned peace and quiet.
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