You don’t need to be psychic to see the future with confidence – you just need to attend IRIS Education Live

Hands up: who feels there are still a few lessons to be learned across the education sector in the wake of the global pandemic?

The fact is, we’re all still learning – you’re not alone. Every day, COVID-19 raises a variety of new challenges to be tackled for the benefit of staff and students. So, we’re turning to you, the best of the UK education profession, to share your wisdom and expertise and join us at IRIS Education Live.

IRIS Education Live – what’s on the table?

What with spreading local lockdowns and school closures, it’s difficult for teaching professionals to meet in person today – particularly in large groups. That’s why we’re running a week-long virtual event with the objective of bringing together school leaders from across the country.

From the 16th to the 20th of November, we’re playing host to a number of education professionals to discuss, debate and – most importantly – share best practice, putting schools and MATs on the path to a sustainable and successful future.

Why attend IRIS Education?

Social distancing, parent engagement, financial planning… the challenges facing schools today are unique, numerous and show no signs of slowing. Under increasing pressure to close the attainment gap and continue providing a full curriculum, COVID-19 has escalated digital plans and caused many to review the delivery of education with fresh eyes.

CPD accredited, IRIS Education Live seeks to examine the ways in which schools can leverage new technology to transform the ongoing crisis into a time of opportunity for education professionals.

From embracing software and improving e-safety, to ensuring compliance and stakeholder engagement, IRIS Education Live will leave no stone unturned as we investigate the ways in which education leaders, business managers and teachers are navigating our next normal for the benefit of their communities.

Register today to pick and choose from our jam-packed agenda of hour-long webinars.

View the agenda

Your ticket to IRIS Education Live is free. Sign up now and join in from the comfort of your own home. We can’t wait to see you there!

Register your place

SPONSORED: This is a sponsored article published on behalf of IRIS. For more information on IRIS please click here. For editorial questions or comments please contact the EdExec team at

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