CREDIT: This story was first seen on ITV News
The Department of Education (DfE) says it has agreed in principal to the closure of Baverstock Academy in Birmingham, ITV News reports.
The secondary school in Druids Heath was plunged into uncertainty in June 2016 because of financial difficulties.
The government says there will now be a consultation period of four weeks for stakeholders to submit their views on the closure before a final decision.
Should the closure go ahead the school will close no earlier than August 31, 2017.
Local MP Steve McCabe has called for an urgent meeting with Justine Greening.
Following a request from the Leadership, Education, And Partnership trust (LEAP) the DfE has agreed in principle to the closure of Baverstock Academy, which has been in ‘special measures’ since September 2014 and is undersubscribed.
The DfE has said: “Our priority is to ensure all children receive the best possible education and where that is not happening action must be taken. We will be working with LEAP and the local authority to identify alternative places for students to ensure their education is not disrupted.”
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