We speak to Nicky Hodgson, school business manager at Manor Leas Junior Academy, about meeting royalty and why for her the sky really is the limit!
What led to your current role?
I was working in an infant school in an attendance/welfare role. I was made redundant which gave me the push to apply for SBM roles. I had recently completed my Level 5 DSBM so the time was right, and I am so glad it happened as my new school is amazing!
Tell me something unusual or interesting about yourself.
My son is a Paralympian, who competed in Rio and is now waiting to see if he qualifies for Tokyo. We were fortunate enough to go to Rio to watch him compete and what an experience that was! One of the many highlights of our trip was when we were in British House (hospitality house for athletes and families), when a gentleman asked if he could talk with us. We were chatting away about absolute trivia and I thought he looked vaguely familiar – then I had that ‘lightbulb’ moment and realised it was Prince Edward!
What has been your favourite aspect of working as a school business professional so far?
The variety – every day is so different and there is never a dull moment. I enjoy being part of the Senior Leadership Team and making decisions that impact on the learning of all our children.
What’s been your greatest professional achievement to date?
Starting a new SBM role in the year of COVID, and keeping things going whilst trying to find my way! My headteacher has given me so much praise that I believe I have done a great job.
How do you ensure that you continue to grow personally and professionally?
I subscribe to lots of webinars (especially during COVID/working from home). I try and undertake educational courses when time and funds allow. I have just signed up for the Certificate in Strategic Educational Leadership.
Personally, I am an Air Cadet instructor and have recently taken over the running of a squadron of 45 cadets. I try and join in with all activities and thoroughly enjoy taking the cadets on annual summer camps! I push my limits whenever possible as I know that whilst I may not enjoy it at the time, I get that sense of achievement afterwards.
Where do you take inspiration from, both work and life-wise?
My fellow SBL’s on Twitter are my inspiration. They are such characters with so much experience between them.
What three words would you use to describe your role?
Crazy, busy, varied.
If there was one thing about your job you could change, what would it be?
A national salary scale for SBM’s as there are too many variations around the country.
Funniest SBM moment you would care to share?
There are too many to compare – every day is something new – perhaps I should start a book!
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