How to Write a New Page This Autumn

Autumn background with open empty pages of notebook,

The Autumn Term represents a blank page – which can either be scary or a chance to embrace the changes you need to make. Rebecca Cunliffe talks about the planning and preparations needed to make this term a success

A blank page! That is what a new academic year brings for us all. The summer break is long over, and the weather has not been kind, so unless you managed to get on an aeroplane to the sun over the summer, you are probably not as refreshed and full of vitamin D as you would like. It is more important than ever that we do not burn out and overburden ourselves too quickly.

Take Care of Yourself

In our role, there will be some engrained ‘watermarks’ in our diaries. These represent jobs and tasks that must be planned for and completed, but the rest is up to us.

So, what will your blank page bring and how on earth can we pace ourselves after the madness of September to get through to December?

I cannot possibly think that far ahead, it is too much and would drain too much energy from me, so let’s chunk things up. From there, it feels more manageable and I can start to plan and scope out tasks for next half-term and make sure I have my weeks planned out. I never plan for one day because I do not want to get de-motivated when I don’t achieve the things I set out to do.

Time to Prepare

An example of planning ahead is considering your grit reserves! The seasons have changed dramatically over the past few years and although it is unlikely we will get snow and ice during the Autumn Term we need to plan now to make sure we are ready when it does come.

Planning for things like adverse weather is one of the key elements of our job and is probably the reason when asked what term or year it is I have to think about it! As leaders, we are usually planning a term and/or an academic year ahead in our brains therefore the here and now is planned and therefore irrelevant (if you know what I mean).

Take Time for You

Our health and wellbeing are important and incorporating some time to nourish yourself is vital to ensuring you have the stamina to get through the term.  Eating well, getting outside when it is daylight and spending time with family and friends should be written into your blank page planning.  If we plan for it, it is more likely to happen, it is important to remember if it doesn’t happen do not beat yourself up, just add it to next week’s planner and try again.

You have to practice success. Success doesn’t just show up. If you aren’t practicing success today, you won’t wake up in 20 years and be successful, because you won’t have developed the habits of success, which are small things like finishing what you start, putting a lot of effort into everything you do, being on time, treating people well.” Michelle Obama

It is not all about success, however I admire Michelle Obama and what she represents. She appears to be a good person who does good things and in return, she has achieved her goals and has a happy marriage, happy family and happy life.

I think this is what success looks like.  When we understand the work-life balance that we are supposed to have and plan for it, we too will be successful.  This does not mean working all hours, being on call and answering emails as soon as we get them.  This means doing our best, during the hours we are paid for and respecting our colleagues and students.  Education is like no other workplace I have known but it can be! There can be a finish time, and we can leave things until the next day and prioritise ourselves.  It takes careful planning, stamina to stick to the plan and an understanding that, if we are at our best, we make ourselves one of our priorities, we work better and we can achieve more.  You are important, remember that!

A wise man called The Sumo Guy (Paul McGee) says “Put your oxygen mask on before helping others” – This is because if you run out of oxygen you cannot help anyone, including yourself.  Be kind to yourself and the end of term will be here before you know it.

My Top Tips

Plan Your Meals

If you don’t, you end up buying food you probably don’t want and buying more than you need (this could just be me!).

Plan Time for You

Whatever makes you happy, going for a walk, meeting friends, pamper time or just sitting in the quiet.

Plan Your Clothes

This saves time in the morning!

Set a Finish Time

This could be different every day but set a time and stick to it.  Teachers survive when we are not there, and they can fix the photocopier or unplug the sink by themselves (honestly).

Do Not Beat Yourself Up

Don’t worry if not everything has been completed.  Most things can wait and if they can’t, you will have planned for it and given yourself enough time to get it done before the deadline.

Talk to Someone

This can be to the boss, your colleagues, the dog, friends or your partner.  This doesn’t have to be work-related but talking is good it can help you solve problems, find new ideas and increase personal strength.

Find a Cluster Group

Even if you sit silently for the first few meetings or interactions, you will learn from others.  Even if this is just learning you are not alone or you know more than you think, it is powerful and comforting to spend time with other school leaders.

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