It’s Not the Plane, It’s the Pilot

View from the aircraft cockpit on the pilot. Aircraft-fighter

Drawing parallels between the wild ride of being a school leader and Maverick’s lessons in the cockpit, in this article Laura Willams reminds us that, no matter how turbulent the skies may seem, we are the pilots of our own course

As we dive into the new academic year, it’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since “Top Gun: Maverick” was released. Even now, I find myself drawing day-to-day inspiration from it. Beneath the thrilling action and dog fights, some lines really resonate.

The Sky is the Limit

For instance, when Rooster doubts himself, Maverick reminds him, “It’s not the plane. It’s the pilot.”

Later, Maverick finds himself in a tight spot, and guess what? Rooster throws that advice right back at him. And it’s this back-and-forth that really got me thinking.

No matter how wild or crazy things get for you as SBLs, no matter how bad the odds, we need to remember that while we can’t always control the “plane” (like the school, the SLT, the funding, or the support we get), we do have control over the “pilot” – and that’s us!

Adjusting on the Fly

Being able to tell the difference between what’s in our control and what’s not can really save our sanity when it hits the fan. We might not have all the resources for a smooth ride, but we do have 100% control over how we handle what comes our way!

YOU plot the course.

YOU keep things steady and adjust on the fly.

YOU figure out how to dodge and weave through whatever challenges pop up.

As we take off into this new school year, remember that your capacity to lead and adapt is what makes the difference. You’re the one making the difference. And it’s when we embrace this and let it fuel us that we truly feel our impact.

If there’s ever a moment you feel overwhelmed or need a copilot, remember, you’re not flying solo. Reach out. It might be a ‘flying by the seat of your pants’ kind of role, but you are absolutely the pilot for the job!

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