Conquer office noise and stay productive

People stressed of work and tasks in noisy office. Chaos in business office,

Noise can seriously hinder productivity, making it difficult to focus on your tasks. But don’t worry, there are strategies to help you stay productive even in the noisiest of environments

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Business News Daily

Wear earplugs or headphones

Earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can be lifesavers in a noisy office. They block out background noise, allowing your brain to concentrate better. Music can also be beneficial. Create a playlist with calming tunes that help you stay on task. As Stephen Light, CMO and co-owner of Nolah Sleep, suggests, “Using a white noise machine app on your phone can mask rhythmic sounds with steady, ambient noise.”

Find a quiet space

Open-office layouts can be distracting. If possible, find a quiet, private space for intensive projects. Lynn Taylor, author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, advises finding a conference room or empty office for some peace and quiet. Additionally, plan your work around quieter times in the office to maximise productivity.

Prioritise tasks based on noise levels

When the office is particularly loud, focus on less demanding tasks like responding to emails. Save more complex tasks for quieter times. Jeff Mains, CEO of Champion Leadership Group, explains, “Tasks requiring a lot of concentration are best saved for when it’s quieter to avoid having to retrace steps and waste time.”

Get used to the noise

While it may seem counterintuitive, exposing yourself to noisy environments can help you become more accustomed to them. Brian Nagele, CEO of Restaurant Clicks, advises, “Spend more time around constant noise to train your body to adjust.” This approach isn’t for everyone, but it can help some people become less distracted by background noise over time.

Eliminate self-imposed distractions

Reduce other distractions you can control. Chris Anderson, founder of Soothe Your Feet, suggests putting your phone on silent and closing unnecessary browser tabs. Keeping your workspace clutter-free can also help you stay focused.

Mask distracting noise

Sometimes adding more noise can help drown out distracting sounds. Dean Kaplan, CEO of The Kaplan Group, suggests, “Sit near an open window where the noise of traffic can drown out conversations, or in a common area where individual conversations become a general hum.”

Adjust your work hours

If your office allows flexible hours, consider working during quieter times. Arriving early or staying late can give you uninterrupted time to focus. Ally Mashaura, editor-in-chief at Adventures Pursuit, found that, “Heading into the office early allowed me to concentrate better without the usual distractions.”

Address the issue directly

If noise continues to be a problem, don’t hesitate to speak up. Dr. Jude Miller Burke, author of The Adversity Advantage, recommends setting clear expectations for noise levels in the office. “Encourage open discussions about noise at staff meetings and establish a culture of consideration.”

The real cost of a noisy office

A noisy office isn’t just a minor annoyance. It can significantly impact productivity and the bottom line.

  • Increased stress: Noise can raise stress levels, leading to higher blood pressure and heart rates. This can result in increased turnover and burnout.
  • Disrupted work: According to a study by Interface, 62% of office workers believe reducing distractions is crucial for business. Noise can hinder creativity and concentration.
  • Impaired attention and memory: Noise affects cognitive functions like attention and memory, which are vital for productivity. This can lead to mistakes, missed deadlines, and reduced efficiency.

While you might not always be able to control your environment, there are strategies to help you stay productive in a noisy office. By using headphones, finding quieter spaces, prioritising tasks, and addressing noise issues directly, you can improve your focus and maintain your productivity. Remember, it’s about finding what works best for you and making the most of your situation.

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