EdExec LIVE is a chance to learn, boost your skills and network with like-minded peers. The day includes a wide range of relevant advice, insight and inspiration to suit the nebulous nature of the SBM role.
Seminars and panel debate will cover a broad array of subjects including collaboration, marketing, income generation, moving to the cloud, leadership skills and much, much more.
So, who can you expect to see? Here’s a taster:
Sue Birchall, financial controller at Leigh Academy Trust presents Playing the long-game: a solution based session on strategic budget planning
Those responsible for their school’s finances know the importance of developing long-term budgets, they also know the difficulties of doing so where there’s a lack of certainty and clarity. This practical seminar looks at innovative ways to develop strategies for long-term, whole school budget planning. An interactive session, it offers advice on how you can implement a strategy for the future – whether you gained or lost through the national funding formula. Use the session to share ideas, suggestions and plans for how to manage long term budget issues with a view to creating a solution based approach.
Tim Roots, CEO of Parago and Helena Walbrook, director of finance at Synaptic Trust present Effective financial management of your premises, IT and inventory and contracts
Tim and Helena will explore how schools and federations can achieve substantial cost and efficiency savings in a sector suffering from flat cash and rising costs. The issues he will address are high on the agenda of both the EFA and FASNA, and include: fraud through asset misappropriation; sharing resources across local schools; providing central ICT and Premises services; MAT/school federation procurement strategies; unified and streamlined contract management; reducing finance staff workload and saving on auditor costs; room and property letting.
Richard Harrison, director of community engagement at Regent High School presents Spotlight on external relations
Richard Harrison is the director of community engagement at Regent High School. Situated within London’s Knowledge Quarter, the school is well positioned to forge lasting relationships with local organisations. In this session, Richard discusses the importance of developing such relationships, the central role they can play in delivering a broad education and how you can develop such relationships with those in your area.
Merlyn Vlotman, HR consultant at Strictly Education presents Cutting the cost of absence
With ever diminishing budgets, we all know how important it is conserve funds and the impact that staff absences can have on this if not managed well. This session will explore ways to minimise the cost and effects of absence through greater awareness of wellbeing, the importance of monitoring and early intervention for those persistent short term absentees and how to effectively manage longer term absence issues.
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