It’s fair to say that the last couple of months have been… well, if ‘cray-cray’ was still cool to say, then that would be it! Back in November, I was invited to become the Executive Editor of Education Executive and whilst I’ve been absolutely loving it, the learning curve has been steep
It’s been like jumping on a moving train whilst trying to frantically lay the track as far ahead as I can, so I don’t derail…Not too unlike when I became a SBL for the first time!
One of the first things I was asked to do was write my very first Editor’s Letter. As someone who loves to write and is very wordy you would think this was something that would come easy to me! But no, it was one of the most torturous things I’ve ever written. Why? Because I was advised to make it all about me.
As I sat down to write, my fingers froze above the keyboard. So, I left and came back later, and the same thing happened again. And I left and I came back, and it happened again. It wasn’t until after a few more go-rounds of this and rising hysteria levels, that I realised it wasn’t about “me” at all.
Education Executive is about you.
Over the last two decades working as an SBL, with SBLs and for SBLs, I’ve seen time and again the power of collaboration – of sharing our wisdom and of being collectively loud!
I spent a lot of time figuring out how to find and use my voice in a sector that likes to do things the way that they’ve always been done them. And I’ve spent a lot of time helping SBLs not only to find their own voice but to feel confident in using it.
And that’s what my role at EdExec is about – on an even bigger scale!
I want you to find your voice and feel confident and supported when you do it!
This is my mission statement and here is your call to action to use and amplify your voice using EdExec as your platform!
Join our new EdExec SBL Voice Mailing List
I’m building a list of SBLs who are happy to share their thoughts and opinions by answering some specific questions or contributing a short-written paragraph via email about hot topics and sector news that impacts SBLs and their schools. This will be ad-hoc, you can totally say no if it’s not a good time and it’s a great way to be 10% braver without feeling totally overwhelmed! SBL Voice pieces will be collated and shared both online and in the magazine.
Write an article for EdExec Magazine
I know you have a topic you’re passionate about, a story you’ve been dying to share or some wisdom that you know will be useful to other SBLs. If you’re scared of the blank page (it happens to us all!) then don’t worry – there are ways I can help you pull it together. And if you’d rather talk than write, then we can chat it through, I can make notes and we can write it up for you at EdExec HQ. Magic!
Become an EdExec Digital Columnist
I’m also looking for people who would like to share their SBL wisdom on a regular basis in an online digital column. These columns are shorter pieces that will be published online which means they can be super responsive and relevant to the hottest SBL topics, as well as provide motivation, guidance and all-round feel-goodness. Our EDCs (yep, I invented my own acronym, woo woo) will work super closely with me to ensure we’re helping SBLs get the right advice, find the right support and feel less alone when the cr*p is hitting the fan.
Speak at an EdExec Live Event
Our EdExec Live dates have been announced – and we are now in the process of reviewing speakers and topics. I know how scary public speaking can be but if you’ve got something to say and you prefer to talk rather than write, trust me, you will not find a friendlier or more supportive audience! We’re also a bit bonkers too which makes the day a lot of fun and unlike any other conference you’ll attend this year. And if you’re thinking yes but what would I talk about…? Guess what, we can work together to figure it out!
All I ask is that you give it some thought and if you’re interested in any of these opportunities, click here and let me know which ones!
And don’t worry if you feel a little out of your depth, I will support you every step of the way.
If you aren’t interested right now, that’s totally fine. You can come to me anytime if you suddenly have a spark of inspiration! Email me at
And if you haven’t read it yet but would like to, you can check out my very first Editor’s Letter here on pages 2 & 3
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