F1 fanatic, SBL coach and trainer Laura Williams discusses how you can use an F1 technique to push you towards the finish line in your role
So, a few months ago it was the F1 Italian Grand Prix in Monza (and, as you know, I’m a big F1 fan!) The race was exciting and shocking in equal measure, for many reasons, but one of the things that struck me about the weekend was the many conversations the commentators were having about something called ‘the tow’.
Drivers are obsessed with getting ‘a tow’ – the reason being it can gain them around 0.5 seconds per lap (and in the race, an overtake) if they place their car right…
Essentially, if a car can get close enough to the car in front, the car ahead punches a hole in the air meaning the one behind meets less resistance and has to do less work to drive faster. This means the car behind can gain speed and, perhaps, an advantage without having to drive any differently than they normally would. Now, it doesn’t work for all tracks but, on the ones where it does, when it matters most (in qualifying), you’ll often see teams running their two cars together and taking turns to give each other a ‘tow’ in the hopes that one of them will be able to make up a time deficit or sweep ahead of a rival.
So, what does this have to do with SBLs?
It occurred to me that this is how SBLs work! We’re a team and, when we need it, we each step in to help each other get where we need to be that little bit easier and that little bit faster. Of course, it’s not exactly like Formula 1; it’s not about which one is ahead, it’s about getting each other safely to the finish line (half term, end of the project, through the next crisis!) in one piece.
Sometimes we’re the ones giving the tow and sometimes we’re the ones getting it, but I just want you to remember this – even if today you feel like you’re out on the track alone, you’re really not. Just pop into the pits (your SBL network – online, locally, regionally) and ask for a ‘tow’ and I guarantee someone will come out on track with you for as long as you need them to.
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