Here’s how school leaders can get support from other schools in their locality to improve a specific area of teaching or leadership
Teaching school hubs
Teaching school hubs are lead schools that deliver evidence-based continuing professional development (CPD) to schools in a designated area of the country; this professional development covers every stage of a teacher’s career and is designed to work for all subjects, phases and schools.
Trainee teachers
Teaching school hubs deliver high quality school-based initial teacher training, underpinned by the initial teacher training (ITT) core content framework, either as an accredited ITT provider or a partner school.
Where applicable, there will be individual funding arrangements in place between the accredited ITT provider and their placement schools; this reflects the additional roles and responsibilities associated with hosting an ITT trainee, such as the placement school providing a mentor for the trainee.
Early career teachers
Teaching school hubs deliver free, DfE-funded, training to early career teachers and their mentors to ensure their practice is based in the evidence set out in the Early Career Framework. They can also quality assure the statutory induction that the early career teacher receives through the appropriate body role.
Early career teachers and mentors in state-funded schools and 16-to-19 organisations are funded by DfE to complete the Early Career Framework full induction programme.
More experienced teachers and leaders
Teaching school hubs deliver the full suite of national professional qualifications (NPQs), consisting of:
- specialist NPQs for teachers and leaders to enhance and develop their existing skills and knowledge both inside and outside of the classroom;
- leadership NPQs for existing and aspiring leaders to develop their knowledge and skills for leadership roles in schools and multi-academy trusts.
Teachers and leaders working in state-funded schools and 16-to-19 organisations can access fully-funded training scholarships for all NPQs. Full details of scholarship eligibility are available which includes eligibility in early years and other settings. Some small settings may also be eligible for a £200 grant payment to help access the courses.
Teachers at every stage in their career
The additional CPD provided by teaching school hubs complements existing DfE-approved programmes, and existing hub offers, to meet local needs. A total of 87 teaching school hubs have been designated across all areas of the country, meaning all schools have access to the professional development that hubs offer.
Who can access this support
Any state-funded school, 16-to-19 organisation, special school, alternative provision settings, or early years settings in England can access a teaching school hub.
How to access this support
Use the list of teaching school hubs by area to find your local teaching school hub.
Subject hubs
This support is designed to develop expertise in a teaching a specific subject or discipline and complements the Early Career Framework and national professional qualifications.
Support is either fully-funded or subsidised, depending on the programme.
Who can access
All state-funded schools and colleges, special schools and alternative provision settings in England are eligible for support – but some hubs only target specific phases of education.
English hub support is currently available for primary schools; modern foreign languages support is available for secondary schools.
English hubs
English hubs offer a range of support and CPD to primary schools to improve the teaching of early reading, with a particular focus on systematic synthetic phonics, early language and reading for pleasure. This consists of tailored support from a literacy specialist, CPD and funding to buy phonics and early language resources. There are 34 English hubs.
The support offered by English hubs is mostly free and funded by the Department for Education (DfE). Contact your English hub for details.
How to access
Find your English hub and contact them directly.
Maths hubs
Maths hubs provide support to schools and colleges to help them continuously improve mathematics education. This consists of working with teachers and leaders from reception through to Key Stage 5 via CPD, leadership communities and early career teacher professional communities. More information on different support offered for each phase is available on the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics’ website.
There are 40 maths hubs.
All of the support offered to schools by maths hubs is entirely free of charge for state-funded schools and colleges.
How to access
Find your maths hub and contact them directly.
Computing hubs
Computing hubs offer CPD, guidance and support to local schools and colleges to improve the teaching of computing and increase participation in computer science qualifications.
Computing hubs work with teachers from Key Stages 1-to-5 via development programmes, certification and peer networking; they also signpost to teaching resources and lesson plans. More information on different support offered for each phase is available on the teach computing website. There are 34 computing hubs.
For state-funded schools and colleges, all resources and online CPD is entirely free of charge, whereas CPD delivered by hubs is subsidised. Schools and colleges are eligible for fully-funded support from a subject expert if they meet one of the following criteria:
- they are located in local authority districts five and six;
- they are not currently offering GCSE computer science;
- they only started teaching GCSE computer science in the last two years.
Behaviour hubs
The behaviour hubs programme matches lead schools or multi academy trusts (MATs) with exemplary behaviour practices, to partner schools or MATs which want and need to improve behaviour culture. There are 50 behaviour hubs lead schools, and 10 behaviour hubs lead MATs.
The programme is fully-funded for partner schools.
Who can access
The behaviour hubs programme is open to schools in England that are rated ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted. Support is available to senior leaders in:
- MATs;
- primary and secondary schools;
- alternative provision settings;
- special schools.
How to access
To apply for support, use this application form. To find out more, email behaviourhubs@educationdevelopmenttrust.com.
Careers hubs
The Department for Education funds The Careers & and Enterprise Company to co-ordinate careers hubs.
What support is available
Careers hubs offer school and college careers leaders and senior leadership teams support to develop their careers programme in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance. This includes:
- training for careers leaders;
- bringing employers, educators and providers together through the hub network;
- sharing digital tools and resources.
The programme is fully-funded for state-funded schools and colleges.
Who can access
Mainstream state-funded schools and colleges in England, special schools and alternative provision settings.
How to access
Where a careers hub exists, the enterprise co-ordinators should already be in contact with secondary schools in their area to offer support. If there is not a careers hub in your area, or your school or college is not currently part of a careers hub and you would like to join one, contact The Careers & Enterprise Company.
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