There are plenty of ways to make your team feel more inspired by their work – and many of these tactics can easily be incorporated into your day-to-day operations
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Management Today
Read on for a baker’s dozen of practical ideas that can help enhance employee engagement at your organisation.
Read on for a baker’s dozen of practical ideas that can help enhance employee engagement at your organisation.
- Keep them connected
If you fail to share crucial information about the organisation – intentionally or unintentionally – employees will come to their own conclusions. Whenever feasible, give your staff updates on the organisation’s financial performance and long and short-term goals, and explain what this information means for them and their jobs. Keeping your team in the loop will help them feel connected to the organisation.
2. Define your expectations
When employees don’t understand what they’re supposed to be doing on a certain project, it’s hard for them to get excited about it. Every time you give your staff an assignment, spell out as many details as you can, and verify your instructions and expectations. Also explain how the project fits into the organisation’s larger goals, and encourage them to ask questions if they need additional information.
3. Set a good example
The old adage ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ doesn’t work well in business. You should exemplify the standards you hold your employees to, especially when it comes to punctuality, appearance, courtesy and willingness to pitch in when needed. This also means not concealing mistakes when you make them – you’ll only encourage staff to hide their own errors
4. Ask for input
Actively seek feedback from team members. Maintain an open-door policy, and an open-mind policy too, so that it’s easy for individuals to approach you. Some members of your administrative staff, in particular, may be uncomfortable sharing their thoughts without a gentle nudge; reach out to them directly to ensure their ideas are heard.
5. Show you care
Getting to know your staff members so you can relate to them on a personal level can be really helpful so make a point of asking about their hobbies and interests. The better you know them, the more effectively you’ll be able to identify what motivates each one.
6. Break out of comfort zones
Encourage staff members to take on new responsibilities and projects outside of their typical roles. Make sure these assignments are manageable for individuals in terms of difficulty and workload, but also try to make them challenging enough that they help employees build new skills and experience. By giving your staff members a chance to try new things, you’ll demonstrate your faith in them and prompt them to perform at a higher level.
7. Offer training
Most people want to keep learning and improving their skills so that they can advance in their careers. Support and encourage this desire to learn by offering training programmes, mentoring and tuition assistance for work-related courses.
8. Discuss career aspirations
Just as it is important for your organisation to set objectives, it’s crucial that your employees have career goals so they feel they’re working toward something. Talk to your team about their ambitions and work with them on plans for reaching their goals.
9. Be liberal with praise – often
Simple but heartfelt thanks will make an employee feel that his/her work matters. In fact, many staff say they value an in-person thank you even more than a promotion or paid time off as a reward for a job well done.
10. Create a place where people want to work
Professionals feel more eager to come into the office if it’s comfortable and clean and provides all the tools necessary to do the job effectively. They’re also happier and more engaged when management promotes a clear commitment to basic courtesy and demands that employees treat each other with respect.
11. Be stingy with meetings
If team members are constantly in meetings, they’re more likely to feel disconnected from their regular assignments because they don’t get enough uninterrupted time to concentrate on those tasks. Before you call a formal meeting, make sure it’s really needed – it’s equally important to keep such gatherings brief, and to the point.
12. Recognise the signs of low morale
Many organisations only become aware of trouble with motivation and morale when the problem reaches a tipping point. In order to prevent this, be alert to the early symptoms; these include a rise in absenteeism, poor performance from top employees and/or increased conflict between team members.
13. Learn from those on the way out
Staff members who are leaving the organisation will sometimes be more frank and honest with you than those who are still in the job. Exit interviews can give you insights into ways your department can improve. Remember, though, that the departing employee may not be entirely objective; take this into account when you’re considering their comments.
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