Presenting the Pitch Perfect Plan

Clapping hand compliment for the great businessman, giving an excellent presentaion

Got a great idea but need to get buy-in from your SLT? Dive into tactics for preparing powerful presentations that articulate your plans perfectly

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Swoop

As a school business leader, some decisions can be made independently, but many require the support and buy-in of stakeholders and your senior team, especially when significant investments are involved. Here’s how you can craft on point presentations that articulate your plans with perfect precision!

Be bold!

You know you have a great idea, now you just need to convince others! A great pitch needs to grab the attention of your listener and give them a clear picture of your idea or concept. What is the objective? What is your anticipated result? You need to understand the steps that are required to make your idea a reality and be able to instil confidence in your team that you can deliver tangible benefits.

Presenting your idea

The way you present your pitch is just as important as its content – make eye contact, show your hands, stand up straight and smile. Be positive! You should also be prepared for people to raise concerns about your idea and be able to take feedback onboard without getting defensive. It’s wise to prepare in advance and write a list of potential challenges you might face. If, during your pitch, a question comes up that you are not able to answer, be honest about your uncertainty and say you will investigate it and get back to them.

The details matter

Using a story or real-life scenario to explain your idea in more detail can help draw your audience in. For example, if your idea is to invest in school transport, describe a recent trip and what benefits your idea would bring for the students. Detail is key when pitching your idea – people will want to know how you plan to deliver your proposal, the cost and how much investment you need. Most short form pitches last between three and ten minutes, which means you’ll need to explain the value of your idea as efficiently as you can.


After mastering the art of a pitch-perfect presentation, you’ll be ready to charm even the toughest of stakeholders with your ideas! Remember, confidence, clarity and a touch of storytelling can make all the difference. So, polish those slides, practice that smile and deliver your pitch like a pro.


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