Read again: Is it time for your website to have the magic makeover?

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Feeling underwhelmed by your homepage? Not getting the social media engagement you crave? Is your blog more blah than brilliant? Maybe it’s time to dust off your web wizard hat and sprinkle a little magic on your school website

You may be thinking that the last thing you want is another job on your summer to-do list, but trust us, this one will be well worth the effort. Consider your school website as a window showcasing what your school is all about. When utilised effectively, it becomes a powerful resource, sharing information and fostering engagement.

Cross the T’s and dot the I’s

Frequently, time slips away from us, and before we realise it, much of the information on our websites becomes outdated. A helpful strategy is to compile a checklist of essential items that require attention. Are event dates still accurate? Do web links remain functional? Are contact details and phone numbers current? By systematically reviewing each section or page of the site, you can ensure that all the fine details are up to date, allowing you to relax knowing that you’ve got all the small details covered.

Use it or lose it?

Take a moment to assess the performance of your website and identify areas where visitor engagement is highest and lowest. If you’re unsure about analytics, enlist the help of your IT team to conduct a brief review. Your website should serve both you and your audience effectively. If you find that your blog receives minimal traffic, consider alternative methods of communication such as social media or email newsletters. While certain elements of your website may be non-negotiable due to requirements, it’s important to evaluate everything else. Ask yourself: Is this working for us? If not, what alternative methods can we explore?

The must haves

From admission arrangements to Osted reports – seize this chance to review the essential components of your school website and make any necessary updates. The required and recommended content for websites can vary depending on your school type, so a helpful starting point is to visit for comprehensive advice and information.

Be bright, be bold, be brilliant

As highlighted earlier, your school website serves as a showcase for your school’s personality, ethos and culture – and you want it to shine! Ensure you feature a diverse array of pictures, videos, and content that provide a vibrant and inviting introduction to your school. Showcase the fun and exciting activities and achievements to captivate your audience. Ask for feedback not only on the website’s aesthetics but also on its user-friendliness – a visually appealing site that’s difficult to navigate can quickly frustrate visitors.

It’s all about injecting some personality and pizzazz into your online presence. So go on, wave that SBL magic wand and watch your website transform from a frog into a prince.



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