A Liverpool school has been rated ‘requires improvement’ after five years as ‘outstanding’, and the shift is being blamed on one disruptive group of boys
A school that previously enjoyed five ‘outstanding’ Ofsted reports has dropped to ‘requires improvement’ due to the bad behaviour of one particular group, according to the Liverpool Echo.
Range High School in Formby meets the national average for pupil progress, but Ofsted found that boys at the school are making much weaker progress.
Inspectors said that girls, however, ‘make very strong progress overall’.
One group of boys is being blamed for dragging down the grade; the report stated that they were having a ‘disproportionately negative affect on the care, welfare, education and personal development of the significant majority of pupils’.
Inspectors also noted that leaders at the school have an ‘inflated view of how well the school performs’ and that the ‘quality of teaching is very variable across the school’.
Head teacher, Graham Aldridge, claims the school has been ‘honest and open’ with its community after one parent implied the school was trying to cover up its failings.
He said: “Progress and high achievement was identified in several areas, and we are especially pleased that Ofsted has publicly recognised that ‘most pupils are polite, well mannered and keen to learn’ and that for many our curriculum has a ‘very positive impact on the moral standards, behaviour and aspirations.’
“As we expected, Ofsted confirmed issues which our senior school leaders, supported by governors, are already addressing.
“One key issue highlighted by the inspection team for targeted action is the ‘poor behaviour of a minority of boys.’ Inspectors have challenged us to take a stronger approach with these students to ensure that they positively engage with their learning and improve their behaviour. We welcome this.
“Well in advance of Ofsted’s visit, through our own School Improvement Plan, we had identified the behaviour of some students as a priority improvement area. An action plan has already been implemented and we believe it is already producing positive outcomes, and that it will continue to do so.”
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