As reported by the BBC, a state school for girls could begin admitting boys following a consultation later this month
Notre Dame High School in Glasgow – Scotland’s only state girls’ school – could begin admitting boys.
A consultation will take place later this month to determine the future of the school.
One option, as posed by Glasgow City Council, is to admit boys.
Some parents have campaigned for this, while others wish to keep it as girls only.
Another option is changing the catchment area and letting in pupils from further afield.
The consultation will open on 18 March.
A council spokesperson said: “The consultation is the ideal opportunity for all interested parties to make their views known as part of the consultation process.
“Public meetings are being held during April and May and we would urge people to come along and hear about the proposals and from the various campaign groups before submitting responses by the 26 May.”
Michelle Watt, chair of Notre Dame High School, added: “Notre Dame High School is almost full, with a majority of families from diverse cultures and backgrounds actively choosing to send their girls there via placing requests.
“Removing that choice will remove improved opportunity for those areas of our city who do not have top schools close by. The school should be held up as an exemplar in our community…
“It offers Glasgow families additional choice, high academic performance and helps close the attainment gap.”
She added that the school “encourages, supports and develops young women to reach their full potential”.
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