When running a more sustainable organisation, choosing to work with green-minded suppliers is a big step in the right direction; Instant Offices explains why
According to a Carbon Trust report, the average workplace could save up to £7,000 simply by improving their energy efficiency.
The report states that the majority of workplaces could easily cut down on energy use – and that includes schools – so here’s a breakdown of the cost benefits for those who choose to be more energy-conscious in the workplace.
Data shows that implementing a few small changes can produce quick returns:
- Low-cost and no-cost actions can reduce energy costs by roughly 10%.
- Cutting energy costs by 20% has the same effect on the bottom line as a five per cent increase in sales.
The green trend is flourishing, and more workplaces are embracing the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR); nevertheless, UK businesses spent £22.5bn on heating in 2015 – a 49% increase from 1996.
Tips for a more energy-conscious workplace
Workplaces across the globe need to consider all aspects of their operations when looking for ways to go green. Some common areas of focus include:
Switching to energy-saving light bulbs throughout the building; using timers for overnight and external lighting can add up to substantial energy bill savings.
Encouraging employees and students to use water sparingly and wisely can reduce the cost.
Reusable items
The average employee generates 4.40lb of waste every day! Schools can cut down on waste by taking a close look at opportunities to reuse resources and replace single-use items with more sustainable, repeat-use items. Pupils will be enthusiastic about joining in and helping to weed out your single-use transgressions!
Sustainable supplies
Before ordering office supplies, research the available brands and choose those that have green policies; use minimal packaging and embrace sustainable materials.
Going paperless – or, at least, paper-lite – also helps to make a dent in the daily 2lb of discarded paper waste. Replace printouts with e-mails and digital presentations and encourage staff to take notes digitally.
An estimated 70% of an organisation’s landfill waste can be recycled. Make sure your school has an effective recycling programme in place.
Allowing more employees to work remotely cuts down on carbon emissions generated by their drive to and from the school, and also reduces their in-office energy costs. Obviously, this is not generally feasible for classroom-facing staff, but can your back office staff work from home sometimes?
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