According to The Courier, a new scheme to make STEM teaching more effective is set to roll out across the UK
An education pilot which took place in Fife and Angus will be rolled out across Scotland following its success.
According to a study of this pilot, 70% of primary school teachers are more confident teaching STEM topics through involvement with the RAiSE (Raising Aspirations in Science Education) programme.
Additionally, 87% of pupils experienced an enjoyable sense of challenge in their STEM learning, and led 77% to seriously consider STEM careers.
RAiSE has now been trialled in eight local authorities and will become available across the country.
Karen Doherty, RAiSE primary science development officer in Fife, said: “It has been a pleasure empowering teachers in Fife to better understand what they can achieve in their classrooms and across their school communities through STEM education.
“Creating local opportunities and networks, as well as identifying enthusiastic teachers, has been vitally important.
“It’s great that this evaluation has proven these efforts to be a success.”
Richard Lochhead, Scotland’s further and higher education and science minister, expressed his pleasure regarding the positive results from the pilot.
“It is clear that the programme has brought benefits to those in the initial eight local authorities that participated,” he said.
“I am sure these benefits will also be seen in the four authorities who joined the programme this year and I look forward to more authorities taking advantage of the flexibility of the programme to suit their local needs.”
Gayle Gorman, chief executive of Education Scotland, added: “This is an exceptional example of how working collaboratively with local authorities can deliver real outcomes for our schools – most notably in boosting the confidence of teachers in delivering STEM education to our children.
“The evidence shows us that pupils are really taking the messages of the programme on board, with children telling us that they think that STEM should be taught in primary schools and that anyone can have a job in STEM-related careers.”
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