The latest issue of Education Executive is amplifying your voice!

At Education Executive, we’re all about empowering and inspiring the SBL community. In our latest issue, we’re amplifying your voice with our first SBL Voice feature. We want to hear from you, so read on to discover what we’re discussing this month and how you can get involved in future debates

In our special feature, the SBL community shares their opinions on whether SBLs should be doing duties, based on comments from you, the readers. Also in the June issue, we discuss toxic management and why you don’t need to put up with it. Meanwhile, if you’re feeling discouraged, it might be imposter syndrome speaking – luckily, Russell Dalton has some top tips on how to battle those negative thoughts. Remember, Education Executive is all about lifting you up so you can be the best SBL you can be. So, take a break and dive in!

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