Absence Management – Return to Work Planning
Seminar brief: Whether you are new to business leadership or a seasoned professional, you are likely to have come across staff absence. Often, it falls to the business leader to have a significant role in staff absence management. Surely this should therefore be a straightforward process – with clear policies set out and good support in place? In my experience, it can often be anything but. We can find ourselves managing complex, highly emotive situations which do not have a ‘one size fits all’ formula for reintegration back into work. However, there are ways in which we can develop our skills, including working with relevant professionals, to enable us to successfully achieve a return to work for most staff. This session will expand on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of long-term absence management and phased return to work and will give you practical tips to help you. Staff are more likely to be successful in returning to work if they are well supported and we will explore how to do this in detail. Key aspects covered are:
Education Mutual is a National collaboration of schools that offers an ethical, non-profit making alternative to the Staff Absence Insurance market. As a member owned alternative, the mutual is governed by a board of SBM’s, MAT Leaders & SLT that understand the day-to-day pressures that schools face, particularly when it comes to Staff Absence Management.
Education Mutual provides schools with a market-leading healthcare & wellbeing service aimed at reducing, if not preventing long-term absence from occurring. All members have access to face-to-face physiotherapy, stress counselling, nurse support service & 24/7 GP services amongst many more services aimed at directly & positively impacting absence rates in schools.
Education Mutual will be exhibiting at the upcoming 2022 Edexec events with a presentation from Tracey Gray on ‘return to work’. Tracey was previously Director of Support at Walbottle Academy. She is a Fellow of the CIPD, Fellow of ISBL and is a qualified ILM Coach. Tracey has significant experience within the field of Business Leadership incorporating Strategic Human Resource Management, Health & Safety, Finance, Income Generation, IT and Technical infrastructure, Estate Management/Leisure and Community.
Throughout her career she has ensured that students and staff are well supported to achieve their potential within a safe environment which is sustainable and financially stable.
Tracey became a founding Director for Education Mutual in July 2018 which was set up ‘for schools by schools’ and seeks to promote ethical and affordable solutions around staff absence and well-being for its members. Education Mutual now has over 1500 member schools who are working towards becoming more efficient and sector-led.
During the workshop, Tracey will cover:
Whether you are new to business leadership or a seasoned professional, you are likely to have come across staff absence. Often, it falls to the business leader to have a significant role in staff absence management. Surely this should therefore be a straightforward process – with clear policies set out and good support in place? In my experience, it can often be anything but. We can find ourselves managing complex, highly emotive situations which do not have a ‘one size fits all’ formula for reintegration back into work. However, there are ways in which we can develop our skills, including working with relevant professionals, to enable us to successfully achieve a return to work for most staff. This session will expand on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of long-term absence management and phased return to work and will give you practical tips to help you. Staff are more likely to be successful in returning to work if they are well supported and we will explore how to do this in detail. Key aspects covered are:
- Returning to work after long term absence
- Making sure the employee is ready to return to work
- Line manager behaviours
- Return to work interviews and phased return planning
- Wellbeing support
Education Mutual welcomes all education settings to obtain a competitive quote against current provisions and has track record of being cost effective whilst providing complete value for money
In order to obtain a quote, please visit our website at www.educationmutual.co.uk , email info@educationmutual.co.uk or contact 01623 287 840 to hear more.
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