Four education unions are warning that government pay proposals would short-change most classroom teachers and all senior leaders
In a joint submission to the independent pay review body, the unions say government plans to address teacher shortages by boosting starting salaries to £30,000 must also include proposals to reverse the years of pay erosion for experienced staff. The unions reject the current government proposals, under which two-thirds of classroom teachers and all school leaders would receive a pay increase of less than three per cent despite having seen the real value of salaries fall by some 15% since 2010.
The National Education Union (NEU), National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), Voice, and the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) agree that a significant uplift is needed to starting and early career salaries to boost recruitment. But in joint evidence to the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB), they say that a better deal is also needed for experienced staff in order to improve teacher retention.
The unions call for a significant pay increase for all teachers and leaders and for this to be fully funded by the government. They also call for the reinstatement of a national pay structure and pay scales and an end to performance-related pay. There is growing evidence that performance-related pay demotivates teachers and damages retention, and that a national pay structure would better support the profession.
Kevin Courtney, joint general secretary of NEU, said: “Recruitment and retention problems affect the whole profession and we need a decent pay award for the whole profession, as the first step in the urgent restoration of the pay cuts teachers have suffered.”
Geoff Barton, general secretary of ASCL, also commented:“Teachers and school leaders will regard it as a snub if they are given a pay award which fails to recognise their professionalism and commitment after years of pay erosion. We have to stop haemorrhaging experienced staff from the profession – not make matters worse.”
Paul Whiteman, general secretary of NAHT, added: “There is a direct link between pay and leadership supply. Decisive action is urgently needed if we are to have sufficient school leaders for the future. School leaders’ pay this year must begin to redress the real-terms losses they have endured over the past decade.”
Deborah Lawson, general secretary of Voice, finished by saying: “Ongoing pay restraint is failing to incentivise high calibre graduates to enter and remain in the profession. What the profession urgently needs is a fully funded, profession-wide pay increase, coupled with a return to nationally recognised pay scales that will maintain pay differentials and retain experienced teachers in the profession.”
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