Here at EdExec HQ, we’ve been busy – and are delighted to welcome you to peruse our fresh-as-spring EdExec LIVE website!
What will you find here? Everything you need to know about EdExec LIVE – which returns to 30 Euston Square on May 23.
Visit for: event updates and news, information on sessions and seminars, speaker details as announced, booking your place, or just to enjoy the artwork courtesy of our in-house designer, Billy Odell.
We have a limited number of £35 early bird tickets – so don’t delay…get yours today!
See what we have in store – we’re confident there’s something for everything! Sessions on the day are expert-led and are designed to provide you with ideas of how you can deliver more with less – which seems to have become a massive part of your job description. Join us for seminars on finance and funding (naturally), personal/professional CPD, professional fundraising – aka development, support staff structures – how to optimise your team and benefit from cost efficiencies, building relationships in the local community, marketing your school’s brand to attract future students, teachers and even funds and that’s to name but a few!
Browse the website to see what else we have in-store!
Plus, our young and sprightly EdExec website – relaunched in January this year – is easily accessible! Dip into the latest SBM news, features on the subjects that matter to you, some light reading in the Live it section, expert comment, school business management resources and present and past issues of Education Executive…
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or connect with us on LinkedIn!
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