What is the education staff wellbeing charter, and how can it benefit you?

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The education staff wellbeing charter is a declaration of support for, and a set of commitments, to the well-being and mental health of everyone working in education

This charter is for education staff in England, including temporary and support staff. All state-funded schools and colleges are invited to sign up for the charter as a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the well-being of their staff; sign-up is voluntary and there is no deadline. It was created by the education sector to highlight staff wellbeing. The charter:

  • is a tool for schools and colleges to create, and publicly commit to, their own wellbeing strategies;
  • is a declaration to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in state education;
  • includes commitments on education staff wellbeing by DfE and Ofsted;
  • sets out principles of shared understanding on the meaning and importance of wellbeing and everyone’s roles and responsibilities;
  • sends a message to everyone working in schools and colleges that their wellbeing and mental health matters;
  • aims to improve wellbeing in schools and colleges by encouraging debate and accountability.

The charter can be used to:

  • show staff that you take their wellbeing seriously;
  • open a conversation with staff about their well-being and mental health;
  • create a wellbeing strategy;
  • create a wellbeing-focused culture.

Signing up for charter is a public commitment to actively promote mental health and wellbeing through policy and practice. It is a way to show current and prospective staff that your school or college is dedicated to improving and protecting their mental health and wellbeing which is:

  • essential for improving morale and productivity;
  • critical to recruiting and retaining good staff;
  • a legal duty – employers are required by law to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees;
  • taken account of as part of Ofsted inspections.

Signing-up for the charter

Signing-up for the charter is voluntary and all state-funded schools and colleges, including maintained nursery schools, school-based nurseries, special schools and pupil referral units, are invited to sign-up to the charter as a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing of their staff.

The decision to sign-up should be made by your senior leadership team. If you are a local authority or trust, you can sign-up for schools, colleges or academies on their behalf, but you should consult with the senior leadership team of each setting first.

How to sign-up

Obtain consent from your senior leadership team and then email wellbeing.charter@education.gov.uk with:

There is no expectation for your school or college to sign-up for the charter now – you should do so when it is right for your organisation and when you will get the most benefit from it.

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