The Education Committee calls for a comprehensive approach to tackle rising school absences, citing the need for better mental health and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) support, along with consistent legislation, to address the complex causes behind this alarming trend
Whilst successive ministers have prioritised getting children back to school since the pandemic, the overall figures, and more concerningly for ‘persistent’ and ‘severe absence’, have failed to return to pre-pandemic levels.
In its new report, the cross-party Committee explores how growing demand for mental health services and special educational needs (SEND) support, as well as cost-of-living pressures and other issues, have compounded a problem that worsened following the covid lockdowns but remains present.
The most recent full-year statistics (for the 2021/22 academic year) showed an overall absence rate of 7.6%, up from around 4-5% before the pandemic. In that year, 22.5% of pupils were persistently absent, meaning they missed 10% or more of school sessions – around double the pre-pandemic rate. 1.7% of all pupils were severely absent, meaning they missed more than half of sessions, compared to less than 1% pre-pandemic.
The most recent statistical release from the Department for Education (DfE), relating to the autumn term 2022/23, shows that persistent absence had risen to 24.2% of pupils.
An NHS survey revealed 18% of 7-16-year-olds had a probable mental disorder in 2022, up from 12.1% in 2017. Coupled with inadequate children and adolescent mental health services capacity, this had led to much longer waiting times for care.
The DfE should also lead a cross-government assessment of the scale of mental health difficulties amongst pupils, and review the current support available. The Committee says the Government should report its findings from this review by Summer 2024. There then needs to be significant cross-departmental work to ensure service levels are adequate to meet its previous commitment to a four-week waiting time.
Attendance mentors and hubs
The Committee supports the Government’s promotion of attendance hubs – a previous recommendation from this Committee – and its rollout of attendance mentors and believes the latter should be expanded nationally, beyond the current pilot schemes in areas with high levels of deprivation. The Committee heard that the support mentors offer directly to children and their parents help to overcome their unique issues that discourage attendance, but DfE should ensure the whole family style of support becomes a central part of the programme, as recommended by School Home Support.
Support for pupils with SEND
Absence rates are significantly higher among pupils with SEND, as are rates in special schools compared with mainstream schools. Witnesses told the Committee that failure to meet the needs of children with SEND is the main cause of their absence. This increases their risk of experiencing stress and anxiety, potentially leading to traumatic experiences.
DfE recently published its SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan with measures to train more educational psychologists; joint workforce planning with the Department of Health and Social Care; and improved training for teaching assistants.
The Committee supports the SEND and AP improvement Plan but says it is evident that unmet need prevails as a very significant barrier to attendance. DfE should prioritise resources for inclusion and assessment in mainstream schools to ensure they can adequately support pupils with SEND, and keep that level of resource under review. Successful implementation of the SEND and AP improvement plan will be key.
Fines for missing school
There is a lack of consistency between England’s local authorities in their approach to issuing fines. Schools Minister Nick Gibb recently told the Committee fines can be suitable, “if families are not prepared to engage” with support.
The Committee heard arguments that in some cases fining families lacks support and compassion and should only be a last resort. DfE should produce a national framework and new statutory guidance for the use of fines and prosecution to ensure consistency across the country.
Register of children not in school
The Committee has repeatedly called for legislation that would enable the implementation of a national register of children in elective home education. This was originally intended to be part of the Schools Bill, which was subsequently withdrawn despite ministers, including the Secretary of State, making clear this was a top legislative priority for the Department. There has since been no progress in moving forward legislation. It must now be included in the King’s Speech so that it can be operational for the 2024/25 academic year.
Cost-of-living pressures
MPs heard that rising costs of transport and uniforms can be major barriers to attendance, particularly affecting pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Whilst low-income families can apply for extra support for costs like transport, anecdotal evidence suggests take-up is low.
The report recommends that DfE review its framework for supporting low-income families with school costs, and its guidance on how much is charged for uniforms. It should then issue supplementary guidance highlighting best practices, so schools and local authorities can make informed decisions on how best to support low-income families.
Physical illness
Illness was the primary reason for absence before covid-19 and remains so. The Centre for Social Justice said a cultural shift has seen parents become more likely to keep children at home for minor illnesses, such as coughs and colds than before the pandemic. They also argued that the Government’s messaging has been confusing for parents. Meanwhile, long covid remains a barrier to attendance for 59,000 children, according to the Office for National Statistics.
MPs recommend that DfE and the Department for Health jointly launch a targeted public information campaign to guide parents on when unwell children should still attend school, and when not.
Food and enrichment-based interventions
The report calls on DfE to assess the eligibility criteria for free school meals and to adjust it if necessary, ensuring all children in poverty are in receipt. Witnesses told us significant numbers of children living in poverty do not receive free meals.
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