For those with a sensory processing disorder – or ADHD, PTSD, and autism – sensory overload can be a difficult thing to live with. Here, writer Emma Johnson describes her experience and shares tips for spotting signs in yourself and others
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Happiful
Over-stimulation may not be very obvious from an outsider’s perspective – and, having ADHD, sometimes even I have trouble spotting the signs from the inside, too – but many adults with ADHD, autism or PTSD can experience discomfort, or feel extremely overwhelmed, when exposed to certain sensory triggers. These can include:
• Excessive noise.
• Intense or flashing lights.
• Crowds or close contact with groups of people.
• Textures of food, or clothing irritating skin.
• Overpowering scents such as perfumes.
Here are five common signs of sensory processing disorder (SPD) that I experience, and I’ll share with you how I avoid, and ease, feelings of over-stimulation. Familiarising yourself with these examples may help you recognise them in yourself or others, and could help avoid symptoms escalating into an anxiety attack.
Irritability and disproportionate emotional reactions
I work in a busy retail environment which means my brain is regularly trying to process several things at once. Trying to deal with loud noises, and several people talking to me at once, all while working on the checkout, can be very stressful and, sometimes, overwhelming. This can quickly become externalised as frustration and anger; feeling too warm, sweating, or over-reacting to situations can also be signs that I’m over-stimulated. Removing myself to somewhere calmer usually helps to reduce my discomfort.
Body-focused repetitive behaviours
Body-focused repetitive behaviours – often referred to as BFRB – can involve hair-pulling, nail-biting, skin picking and knuckle cracking, to name but a few. These types of symptoms can become quite disruptive for the people around me, but I may not even notice them. While my brain is trying to process all the external sensory information I’m receiving, I may unconsciously use this as an outlet. These habits can prove exhausting and, sometimes, harmful. To channel this into a less damaging habit, I have a fidget spinner ring that I wear. Instead of picking my skin, or being perceived as rude or impatient with my finger tapping, I now spin my ring. Fidgets are available in many forms; I chose this one as I can keep it with me at work.
Loss of, or shift in, focus
In some cases, my attention involuntarily shifts to something that is making me mildly uncomfortable. Most people can do their best to ignore irritants such as itchy tags, or uncomfortable materials in clothing but, once I’ve noticed it, it’s all I can think about. This can make staying on task particularly difficult, and highlights the varied – and often unnoticed – information we are processing, even if we don’t particularly pay it much mind.
A solution I use is to wear long-sleeved cotton tops under my uniform or clothes. Identifying clothing that feels uncomfortable, and changing it, can have a surprisingly big impact on your mood.
Anxiety attacks
If I spend a prolonged amount of time in an over-stimulating situation it can lead to an anxiety attack. Outer signs for anxiety vary from person-to-person, however common and noticeable indications are:
• Sweating and/or flushed appearance.
• Heavy breathing.
• Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.
• Feeling overwhelmed by, or ‘disconnected’ from, your surroundings.
• Shaking.
If things escalate to this point I will find somewhere quiet to sit and calm down. Being given a glass of water and a few minutes alone, while knowing there are people not far away if I need anything, is the most help I like to be given. However, some people prefer having the comfort of friendly conversation – once again, it depends on the individual.
Communication is extremely important in relation to mental health and, if you’re unsure, it’s never impolite to simply ask, ‘How can I help you?’
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