The theme of this year’s Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) national conference is leadership. Here, the ISBL looks at what’s in store for delegates
How are you illuminating your own practice and that of your colleagues – both peers and successors? As professionals we have a responsibility to assist in raising our own profile and that of the profession amongst our peers and colleagues.
This year the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) will be focusing our national conference on this very theme. We want to shine a spotlight on leadership!
What does leadership truly mean?
We will examine how all school business professionals (SBPs) – across all roles and at every career stage – are leaders who demonstrate the behaviours of leadership. The conference will explore leadership, the evolution of the SBP role over the last 30 years and shine a spotlight on good practice and what we can collectively do as a professional body and practitioners to further raise the profile of our profession and the impact of SBPs.
We will be encouraging all professionals to shine a light on colleagues and illuminate their practice via social media to help to build and develop professional confidence across the sector. We want to tangibly demonstrate the impact of professionals and celebrate and share these successes, which will help to further demonstrate the influential and significant role that SBPs have in the effective leadership of schools.
Building recognition
The role of the SBP continues to be a solus role in many schools across the country. By professionals coming together as part of their professional body, and via other channels, we can work together to build professional recognition.
ISBL believe that engaging in both face-to-face and digital networking opportunities is essential to continuous professional development (CPD). These events also provide the opportunity for self-reflection and space to consider our own practice and impact on our school and wider colleagues and profession. There are many opportunities that exist for this engagement – from local and regional group meetings (find your local group), via social media (Twitter: @ISBL_news) or by attending ISBL events, either our regional conferences (book here) or national conference.
The ISBL ‘Illuminating Leadership’ national conference will open for bookings on 14 March 2019. If you want to be the first to hear about the event, follow us on social media or email conferences@isbl.org.uk and we will send you the booking link.
Let’s work together during 2019 to illuminate, promote and celebrate the role of SBPs.
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