Who does your team, at school, consist of? Is it enough for the size of the school? A recent Twitter thread revealed the truth…
SBMs are so often under pressure, and juggling many different tasks, that they require a strong, smart team around them in order to allow them to do their jobs most effectively. So, how is your school set up? How many people are required to keep the show on the road in the back office? Last month, @schollbusmgr on Twitter asked about the sizes of schools versus the number of admin staff they have – and the results varied wildly.
@schoolbusmgr Would be interested to know your school office set up… How many admin and attendance staff do you have running the show? How many does your school need to keep it ticking?
@Hoveroseros One full-time AYR SBM, one full time TTO admin assistant, plus two-day admin assistant who is about to leave and may not be replaced. Approx 300 children.
@ceryslindsay Current school has one TTO admin manager and two job share admin assistants (effectively one role). Previous school had (all full time) SLT PA, SBM, finance assistant, receptionist and admin assistant. Same size schools – different authorities
@Tina_Green73 Primary 466 on-roll. One TTO 32.75 admin officer, one 30.5 receptionist/attendance, one AYR SBM who is extremely exhausted.
@MrsSchoolOffice Two form entry primary. One banked hours SBM, one banked hours office manager, one 30hrs TTO clerical assistant and one pastoral assistant four mornings a week.
@sparklyquark One OM (currently recruiting), one data manager, one admissions assistant, two admin assistants and an admin officer based at our off-site primary campus. We are a non-maintained day and residential special school for 7-19 year old students with SEMH.
@sbmplatespinner We’re three 1/2 form entry junior school with 410 pupils. We have one FT AYR SBM who also does all finance, one TTO admin who also does attendance, 1 20 hour admin and 2 job share receptionists. I work 20 hours extra per week unpaid and, apparently, we’re over staffed on admin.
@AlwaysTrying15 One SBM, one admin officer, two clerical assistants (one covers reception and one is PT). All TTO except SBM. 2FE, 473 pupils. We run day-to-day but there’s so much more that needs doing with no time.
@Monteneylynz We have 470 children, one SBM (me), one full-time admin officer, one part-time admin assistant, pastoral team made up of a job share and one full-time do attendance. It’s a struggle!
The results are clear – no matter the size of the team, it’s not enough; as @Hertssbm tweeted, ‘Now I understand why we feel permanently under the cosh’. When EdExec asked whether this can be changed, one SBM replied on an optimistic note:
@jayellepeaelle I’ve started to restructure. It’s about optimising as much as increasing. In addition to creating subject experts, I want to create a more flexible team. I’ve done the same across catering and welfare by combining roles and creating one team…next step, general office and receptions!
How could your own team set-up be improved? Join in the conversation @edexec
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